Example sentences of "must be [det] " in BNC.

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1 And yet , he wrote , the impact of the whole must be that of a storm .
2 Nevertheless , the conclusion must be that , down to 1982 , Mrs Thatcher was anxious not to give many hostages to fortune by breaking too openly with the one-nation traditions of Butler and Macleod .
3 Gatfield is still surprised by the record-buying public 's assumption that the first record they purchase by a new act must be that artist 's first release .
4 Since what we see is not what we touch , and since the former are ideas in the mind , which change in size as we move forwards to some thing , the actual size he is concerned with must be that of the tangible object .
5 The suspicion must be that for all their draconian nature , Hitler 's comments on the Jews were regarded as stereotype repetition , and of little interest compared with his assessment of the war situation .
6 The final issue must be that of quality of education and whether LMS will lead to an improvement .
7 A major requirement of a religion then , must be that , above all , it shall be capable of a simplified , but undistorted interpretation capable of being taught to the very young in such a way that it will instil in them the stirrings of what will become their consciences , that is , they will harbour a subconscious awareness of the fundamental nature of right and wrong as these are applied to those areas of human aspirations where they are beyond dispute .
8 There are several excellent beaches ; the most famous must be that at Westward Ho ! , just two miles away .
9 If it is accepted that ability to consume is the major determinant and indicator of economic status — and that is implicit in the common concern over the ‘ standard of living ’ of different groups in society — then the conclusion must be that retirement is only one of a number of factors that affect economic status , and retirement alone is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for economic dependency .
10 The obvious example here must be that of the family , not one of sociology 's high points but the setting for much of the greatest work in the novel , film and drama .
11 And finally , we must always remember that the most essential form of co-operation must be that between the ‘ helpers ’ and the ‘ helped ’ .
12 So Moore 's method can hardly allow us to attach any intrinsic value to education at all ; its value must be that of a means to other things or perhaps as an element in some larger whole of value .
13 Nonetheless , Butler showed that there is little justification for taking egoistic hedonism , or even an egoistic psychology which is not hedonistic , as based on obvious fact , and that the initial presumption must be that concern for the welfare of others is what it seems , the direct wish for their welfare .
14 Oh that must be that must be the one er
15 Tottenham Court Road must be that point , an interchange from the black line to the red .
16 The democratic principle must be that , where there can not be universal agreement , matters should be settled according to the will or wishes of the majority .
17 Consequently , the answer to question ( 1 ) must be that , as Community law stands at present , it is for the member states to determine , in accordance with the general rules of international law , the conditions which must be fulfilled in order for a vessel to be registered in their registers and granted the right to fly their flag , but , in exercising that power , the member states must comply with the rules of Community law .
18 Before the completion of the case for the Crown , the decision whether to continue or not must be that of the prosecution .
19 Thus the conclusion must be that profitability of British industry declined , though not on the pattern suggested by Bacon and Eltis .
20 But if this is possible , the conclusion must be that , basically , there can be only one ontological existent , and that all properties are merely qualities — or , using more convenient words , " states " or " modifications " — of that one existent .
21 However , the company 's hands are tied because the Government insist that the main consideration must be that bus services are commercially profitable .
22 The conclusion must be that monitoring and review should proceed alongside other quality control exercises which are more pragmatic , which introduce a wider range of data , and which are capable of addressing the question of optimality as well as the question of adequacy .
23 Then , since we know we are intelligent enough to discuss the question , we know that Earth must be that one planet .
24 ‘ It must be that , mainly . ’
25 Three of the four a 1 modes have already been identified , and the remaining a 1 mode must be that at lowest frequency ; the Raman band is not discernably polarized for , although it is for , and no IR band contours are available .
26 The answer must be that , in the sense in which we have used the term ‘ competition ’ ( a sense which , although sharply divergent from the terminology of the dominant theory of price , is entirely consistent with everyday business usage ) , the market process is indeed always competitive , so long as there is freedom to buy and sell in the market .
27 The basis of that conception must be that citizenship begins at twenty-one ; that up to that age all boys and girls are wards of the State and are to be regarded as in a state of tutelage ; and that during these twenty-one years no effort must be spared to give each one according to his capacities , and limited by no other considerations , the fullest opportunity to develop every innate power .
28 In this case , the new name must be that of an existing user , and the new module owner must be related to you ( as the module manager ) .
29 In this case , the new name must be that of an existing user , and the new module owner must be related to you ( as the module manager ) .
30 If the module owner is changed , the new name must be that of an existing user , and the new module owner must be related to you ( as the module manager ) .
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