Example sentences of "still [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And the tank still registered full on the Monday ? ’
2 The skin , he noted , was still tinged golden — that faint tone which signified to those in the know that he had been subjected to the bi-annual treatment of Longivex , the Imperial longevity drug which , because of the rarity of the poppy from which it was produced , was restricted to the élite , the favoured few such as the royal family , the privileged , the very rich — and he frowned as he wondered how long it would be before the absence of the drug showed in his physique and appearance .
3 I have a dread of reaching a state when I lie inert and incontinent in bed , tubes in the nose and a drip-feed in the vein , all love of living gone and yet still forbidden final release .
4 By the mid-nineteenth century , German biblical scholarship had truly come of age , and a dating of the Gospels had been established which — in its approach and in most of its conclusions — is still deemed valid .
5 With implementation of these new directives , hopefully it will eliminate such instances as the Y T S worker who was instructed by his employer to weld a petrol tanker which had not been properly cleaned out , and still contained dangerous fumes , which resulted in the loss of a life .
6 Beyond this , it is quite clear that the Middle Volga still contained strong pockets of potential political resistance to the centre — the tradition of revolt died hard .
7 It justified demand management but still contained sufficient neo-classical elements to satisfy adherents of the free market and the need for sound money .
8 She sounded more friendly than she had before , but her voice still carried awesome authority .
9 Only jazz musicians had smoked marijuana before , and everyone was astounded about Dean because open use of drugs was virtually unknown and still carried heavy penalties ; regular offenders were sent to prison and any public knowledge of even marijuana usage brought furore in the headlines , as Robert Mitchum discovered .
10 In 1914 Europe still dominated international trade , and Europe , richer than ever before , was still growing fast .
11 Charlie still looked upset , but Sister removed him before I could take him aside and soothe him .
12 In December , when a meeting between Mr Baker and Mr Hussein still looked possible , the European Community decided against starting talks of its own with the Iraqi leadership .
13 Part of the mansion had been demolished , but the front door still looked impressive , a large window on either side .
14 Yet the table still looked bare , and suddenly she knew it needed flowers .
15 But Neil Fairbrother and Chris Lewis still looked capable of boosting England 's total before Sri Lanka 's spinners were further rewarded for their persistence .
16 John still looked strained but Angela had recovered quickly and was radiant .
17 Her hair still looked black , by candle-light at least , and her teeth still seemed perfect .
18 Carmella still looked doubtful but she managed a smile .
19 Helen still looked doubtful , then she said tactfully , ‘ Sophie , I think we should leave Ian and Joanna alone for the few minutes that remain , do n't you ? ’
20 The Empire still looked secure , but the competition for new trading outlets was increasing dramatically .
21 He had stopped coughing , but still looked dazed .
22 The merchant still looked bewildered .
23 The hourglass shape of white leather inside it , raked from toes to low heel , was stained pale red , and still looked damp .
24 And if the police had n't investigated him because of that stupid bitch Caroline he 'd have quietly taken what was his and still looked clean .
25 Joe still looked worried .
26 The manor house , despite a change in the weather , still looked grim : a gloomy , squat huddle of buildings hiding behind a cracked , moss-covered curtain wall .
27 ‘ Foreigner , like , ’ said Archie , forthcoming on account of the fact that Sergeant Joe still looked ready to do him grievous bodily harm .
28 It was a fine warm autumn evening and although the light was already dying out of the sky the trees still looked magnificent , shades of gold and red blending with some still-green foliage .
29 He took a last bite of cheese and biscuit and still looked hungry .
30 While the Ministry of Finance energetically fostered industrialization , the other ministries still pursued conservative social policies which ignored or even impeded economic change .
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