Example sentences of "still [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 It was still raining and a strong wind was blowing .
2 But his tone was still guarded and still edged with hostility .
3 Discarding the bird bone , Grimm gathered up Meh'Lindi 's silk gown , stole and slippers from where they still lay and headed for the bedroom door , followed by Meh'Lindi .
4 Thus , although NCp7 forms a stable complex with the oligonucleotide , the ends of the DNA are still recognized and cleaved by IN .
5 Still shaken and bemused by what had happened , she looked back at him blankly .
6 But many still fear and dislike the idea of ending up in a home .
7 Food was still rationed and it was very much a question of making the best use of available resources and we had absolutely unlimited demand — a very false situation as it turned out when you think about what happened to British industry afterwards .
8 When the majority have formed their beautiful chrysalises , which can vary in colour from bright green to spangled gold , it is a good idea to collect those caterpillars that are still eating and release them into a large clump of nettles so you can concentrate on hatching the rest .
9 Carrie thought of all the people she knew in the world , all of them still eating and breathing and walking about , and then of Mrs Gotobed , lying still .
10 Forget not good enough , she was still eating and drinking and her flat was usually warm .
11 Between two of these villages , off the beaten track , lay an old farmhouse , part-ruined by fire , but with one wing still furnished and habitable , in a shallow valley and approached by a single track .
12 If the Chief those to also want to improve passenger comfort but let me say in spite of all this er th th th the customer still favour and that is why we will be supporting the Labour resolution because it is about the state of it is about yes to keep our eyes and sort of providing a whole range of integrated public transport that goes along in parallel with that same .
13 He ran back and into the house , first to his own room , and then into the other half of the cottage , feeling a strange compulsion to find something , as if there were some crucial thing , upon which everything else depended , which was still hidden and must not be left behind .
14 Such pressure was , however , still limited and the coming of the costly Boer War put a temporary halt to such hopes .
15 The sun still threw its dappled mantle and the trees still creaked and resonantly vibrated in the oldest of symphonies .
16 Simple square or rectangular shapes still predominate and are probably the best bet for anyone wanting to grow a mixed bag of crops .
17 They are still irritated and frustrated when their privacy is invaded and still upset by hurtful articles in the press , or inaccurate stories .
18 Is the discredited regression therapy still taught and used in any homes and , if so , will he make it illegal ?
19 As the disembarked men were being lined up to march , a detail of mercenaries went from heap to heap , spiking those who still lived and removing what valuables they could discover .
20 How the reformers in the Soviet Union might still regroup and win
21 But the young fish still suffer and stocks are dwindling , so that fish-eating birds such as the reef egret are decreasing in numbers .
22 On landing , the Ashdown mob spilled on to the apron and surrounded Kinnock 's plane , still singing and trying to persuade the party leaders to shake hands like opposing troops on the Western Front at Christmas .
23 On the one hand Mrs Singh was told that his drawing and writing were immature , that he was still drawing and writing like a very young child ; yet later she was told that he was very good with a pencil and talented at art !
24 100 hectares of these early oak trees still remain and are particularly valuable for wildlife .
25 Five minutes later she was coming downstairs again , almost hurriedly , still hatted and coated .
26 He said you 're making appointment still to go and talk about advertising .
27 She was still stroking and heading for Waimea .
28 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels , as I often do , Harry still goes and does whatever he wants .
29 you know I 'm still struggling and we were having a laugh , but the others who had him last term , said he was brilliant , because he actually combines work individually
30 His member was still swollen and purple .
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