Example sentences of "must [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I must stress that only aluminium cans are acceptable and , if possible , they should be crushed as they take up less room .
2 Now , I must stress that Christianity is very important to me , although maybe I am not deeply religious or believe enough .
3 ‘ We must stress that , compared with coal imports , the rush to invest in new gas-fired power stations is a much more serious threat to pits and jobs ’ British Coal chief executive Neil Clarke .
4 All persons privy to confidential , and particularly price-sensitive , information concerning an offer or proposed offer must treat that information as secret and may pass it to another person only if it is necessary to do so and the other person is made aware of the need for secrecy .
5 There was nothing to check in the front parlour ; hardly anything to say goodbye to , for the room was empty of furniture and must remain that way until the shops would once again have chairs and sofas and rugs and curtains to sell .
6 It is difficult and must remain that way because history has left us with this difficulty .
7 The glass itself must make that clear , he wrote .
8 He must make that clear to the press .
9 If we suppose that Nietzsche did feel committed to the plan 's extra-tragic Greek aspects ( ethics , politics and the rest ) , we must make that supposition without much in the way of supporting evidence .
10 We must make that clear to any country with which we deal , including Libya .
11 If the hon. Gentleman is seeking to make a charge against me , he must make that charge equally against the chief veterinary officer for raising that issue in the first place .
12 I must make that absolutely clear .
13 What we have to do , we have to make the mental leap into a very different world in which witchcraft and dreams and superstitions and so on are mingling together and we must make that effort , and not just assume that somehow it 's William Gladstone who happens to be dressed up in Oliver Cromwell 's clothes .
14 Allied believes that beauty must stay that way .
15 But the work which really made Wordsworth 's reputation , The Excursion ( 1814 ) , is usually dismissed as almost unreadable ; it offers Wordsworth 's mature opinions ‘ on Man , on Nature , and Society ’ , and one must grant that , as The Prelude was not published in 1814 , it appeared to be his most considerable poem .
16 We must presume that , for much of the time , he suspended judgement in order to support the main sweep of the Red Army .
17 One must presume that , as a result of the Taconian and Caledonian orogenies , the American and European plates were now close together .
18 I must congratulate that authority on doing what so many other Labour authorities refused to do .
19 She wished to live her own life , and they must respect that wish .
20 As tribunals are totally independent of Government and are judicial organisations , they must have the power — and the House must respect that power — to investigate such matters and come to a conclusion .
21 The first claim insists that once a crisp decision has been made by a body sanctioned by convention , and the content of that decision is fixed by conventions about how such decisions should be understood , judges must respect that decision , even if they think a different one would have been fairer or wiser .
22 ‘ I ca n't — you must know that .
23 She was taking it for granted that he knew who she was ; but then anyone who had read the papers must know that .
24 ‘ But they must know that by now ! ’
25 I worship the ground you walk on , you must know that by now . "
26 " Every living creature for miles must know that 's there !
27 ‘ Oh , that , ’ Flavia said , ‘ you must know that 's just a technicality . ’
28 You must know that .
29 Boxer had n't pursued his question , so he must know that , too .
30 You must know that . ’
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