Example sentences of "must [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If children can find no difference in meaning between such pairs , and yet wish to maintain the principle of Contrast , they must eliminate one member of the pair .
2 We must eliminate any previous conditioning that has prevented us from winning in the past .
3 We must eliminate any sources of broadening contributed by the instrument or sample , to ensure that narrow peaks rather than broad bands are present in the spectra .
4 Even when such a selection of documents for publication is reasonably impartial , a historian must consult other materials in order to evaluate it properly .
5 Everybody thought he must think first about the bringing up of the children
6 and this couple over there must think first about the children
7 So , if you want to create a successful miniature picture you must think small .
8 To trade in a heavyweight world market Britain must think big .
9 If somebody says you must think this , the only way of doing it is , that 's not going to be persuasive .
10 For example , with health insurance you must compare all the benefits that the different companies offer , because they can be markedly different .
11 If we are to be more specific , we must compare one particular type of indirect tax system with one particular type of direct tax system .
12 ‘ Before you change to a personal plan you must compare like with like :
13 We must Adapt this to the continuing changes in educational standards to meet the requirements of both Students , Educationalists and Governmental bodies .
14 Surely England must outdo any other country in ugly place-names — Scunthorpe , Skegness , Biggleswade … how did they happen ?
15 When a player reaches a black square , they must answer three questions to reach Number 10 .
16 ‘ I accept your Lordship 's offer but you must answer some questions first . ’
17 The hon. Gentleman must answer this question : how can he argue that it is in patients ' interests to move away from a system of competitive tendering and use that money to pay trade union members rather than to pay for extra treatment for patients ?
18 He indicted the UN which had failed to preserve law and order ; he castigated the failure to remove the Belgians and their mercenaries ; he asked why ‘ modern and expensive armaments ’ were turned on unarmed peasants and he declared , ‘ The rulers of the United States , of the United Kingdom , of France … must answer these questions . ’
19 Mr Bruton said those who believed that a British withdrawal , or a declaration in favour of a British withdrawal , would help solve the problem must answer these questions :
20 The Great War is over and Bowling 's East End heroes must build new lives .
21 Specific issues can provide initial meeting places , and open up communication , but that communication must build institutional foundations .
22 Like great coffee beans these machines must wind fifteen thousand tons of coal each day .
23 In order to continue to learn about the practical potentials of partnership we must devise intelligent ways of gathering information about quality developments .
24 Above all we must disregard any traditional idea and never , never , be put off by statements of ‘ practical men ’ who say it has been tried before or it will never work ; these two feeble and slavish statements have destroyed countless ideas and they have been the rocks against which many brilliant minds have foundered .
25 I must stress that only aluminium cans are acceptable and , if possible , they should be crushed as they take up less room .
26 Now , I must stress that Christianity is very important to me , although maybe I am not deeply religious or believe enough .
27 ‘ We must stress that , compared with coal imports , the rush to invest in new gas-fired power stations is a much more serious threat to pits and jobs ’ British Coal chief executive Neil Clarke .
28 It also undermined the economic resources of the landowners , although here one must stress considerable regional variations — the land market in South-east England remained buoyant because of its proximity to the London market , which provided an outlet for agricultural produce .
29 From this , it may be possible to determine clearly which media work best for the brand , and this , obviously , must influence any new plans .
30 Customers will expect to pay more for a reputable brand , but they will also expect the price charged to be consistent with their perceptions of the product ; * the amount and style of advertising and sales promotion ( Promotion ) will influence the consumer 's perception of the product , which in turn must influence on-going company product and brand development activities ( Product ) .
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