Example sentences of "must [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Another must for this briefly visiting the Mournes is the traverse of the north ridge of the Bloody Bridge , on the Irish ea coast , to the Trassey road near Tollymore Forest Park ; or better still , on reaching the Hares Gap climb Bearnagh , Meelmore and Meelbeg and descend the broad slopes to Fofanny Dam .
2 I must of this
3 A thought er went , slipped by me er we must upon this council thank the committee staff that controlled the multitude outside , er they were n't trained for it but can the er thanks of this council for their endeavours in keeping the situation calm be recorded .
4 The designer must in this case provide the six displacement and rotation vectors to transform the model from its drawn space , into the reference for the component within the complete machine .
5 The files must in this case be named after the individual piece parts , ie PARTA to PARTE .
6 It at once became apparent that , much as she trusted and respected Alianor , she must on this one occasion slip the leash .
7 I think we have to face facts , first fact is the the priority of the board must at this time be survival .
8 However , I must at this stage part from Amendment eleven on the method of their selection for two reasons .
9 More psychologists were brought in to assess Mr X , who must by this time have been suffering from IQ test overkill .
10 We possess no worked example to illustrate how genes control behaviour ; all we can say is that , in abstract terms , proteins influence the development of neurons , and that genes must by this means influence the development of the nervous system .
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