Example sentences of "must [be] used " in BNC.

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1 Gears must be used more frequently with the extra weight of the loaded trailer , and it is important to change down in plenty of time to prevent having to brake fiercely .
2 Does not work if taken over 12 hours late , or if there is sickness or diarrhoea , when extra precautions must be used .
3 Sickness , diarrhoea and some drugs may stop it working , and extra precautions must be used .
4 Must be used with a spermicide and left in place for six hours after intercourse .
5 A spermicidal cream , jelly , pessary or foam must be used with the diaphragm .
6 Must be used with caps .
7 Another method of birth control must be used for a few months until two consecutive tests show there are no sperm left .
8 There are several ways of doing this , but any method chosen must be used properly .
9 The Fitness Determination Routine must be used to enhance your existing training , not to compete with it .
10 Higher repetitions must be used because the muscle type is denser and more resilient ( like the calves ) .
11 A study of Dalcroze Eurythmics from which such ideas emanate is valuable , but the practice must be used with discretion if the resultant ballet is not to resemble an examination of machinery rather than a feeling fur the rhythm and shape of the engine that makes the dancers perform .
12 We gained energy from each other and I determined that this strength must be used creatively .
13 Those proxy votes must be used in support of incumbent management unless the shareholder specifically instructs the bank otherwise .
14 Using the values t+$ and t-$ gives 68 per cent confidence ranges ( see glossary ) ; for 95 per cent confidence , t + 2$ and t — 2$ must be used .
15 It must not be assumed that the most likely date is in the centre of the range ; to quantify the distribution of the calendar dates , one of the probability methods ( which require computerisation ) must be used .
16 One is not normally so lucky as to be able to link a coinage so specifically to a historical event or particular date and usually more indirect methods must be used .
17 Civil Aviation regulations specify that both the outbound and inbound sections of the air ticket must be used .
18 For instance where machinery or surfaces , through lack of space or layout limitations , must be used for both cooked and raw meats disinfection should take place after each use with raw meat and before changing to cooked meat .
19 In this case , the district nurse or physiotherapist will teach the carer how to lift the patient safely , and the lift must be used every time the patient needs to get out of bed or up from his chair .
20 This is the dichotomy that must be used to form a framework within which any curriculum change must be placed .
21 Questioning is a powerful tool , however , it must be used with tact .
22 The problems faced by older workers must be used to develop a broad strategy to remove inequalities in working and safety conditions inside factories and offices .
23 Metaphors of growth must be used with care and ‘ which way is forwards ? ’ can be a right question to ask .
24 Nobody expects a paragon of virtue but the nurse is meant to be realistic , is meant to have self-knowledge because the ‘ self ’ must be used in the relationship .
25 Dollars borrowed must be used outside the USA .
26 Partly of course in printed works , but these must be used with infinite caution and constant checking .
27 Without going into any further detail it can be concluded that prey composition must be used cautiously in any attempt to identify predators by their prey assemblages .
28 Because of its low thermal capacity , large amounts must be used , which creates a problem of noise .
29 The genetic information stored in the viral DNA or RNA must be used to produce the viral proteins that it codes for ( D in Figure ) .
30 And high frequencies must be used to carry a number of TV channels because each is 8 MHz wide and they are ‘ stacked ’ one over the other in the frequency spectrum .
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