Example sentences of "through her [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She stood against a fence warm to the touch , and out of which the warmth had brought the smell of creosote and basked , her face up to the sky , her eyes nearly shut , letting the fiery sinking ball make red patterns through her flickering lids .
2 He could feel the bones through her spare buttocks .
3 She cradled Ari 's head in her lap as the girl gave in to the overwhelming sensations crashing through her nervous system .
4 As he drew nearer , Jessamy felt a distinct tremor run right through her nervous system .
5 He smiled slowly , his eyes travelling over her in a way that sent a tremor through her nervous system .
6 The powerful Queen of the Aegean , Circe assumed otherworldly status through her extraordinary abilities as an enchantress .
7 Had it not been for her chance meeting with Estabrook — who saw through her tumbling , distracted manner to the woman she was — she might well have taken her own life .
8 Ilie Purcaru described Elena as , ‘ The woman who today , side by side with the man at the country 's helm , is taking upon her shoulders — fragile as any woman 's shoulders but strong and unswerving through her strong and unwavering beliefs — overwhelming missions and responsibilities , serving the nation with a devotion that none of our women has attained before … ’
9 ‘ Look what Mr Dobson gave me ! ’ were the first words from the little girl as Lisa had hurried through her next-door neighbour Josey 's front door .
10 She drew one index finger through her dewy pubic hair , lifting the glistening digit , touching it very gently to her lips .
11 There is also a risk of infected vaginal fluids entering a woman 's bloodstream through her vaginal walls if she shares a vibrator or other sex toys with a partner with HIV , or if infected blood or vaginal fluids are able to get into an open cut during sex .
12 She ran a finger through the glistening moisture , allowing her hand to trail lower , through her pubic hairs .
13 She ran a hand through her wavy auburn hair .
14 Still dressed in the chestnut-coloured cotton suit with its pleated skirt and casual blouse-type jacket over a short-sleeved white silk top in which she had travelled , she dragged a comb through her wavy dark hair , tucking the long side strands behind her ears , before renewing the soft bronze lipstick which emphasised the gentle curves of her soft-lipped mouth .
15 But perhaps more importantly the transvestite was contributing to a knowledge and a culture which undermined the discursive formations of authority itself , doing so through her perverse reinscription within those formations .
16 She sat down , running distracted fingers through her cool , damp hair .
17 So he 'd looked straight through her cool façade as if it were glass .
18 Through her dark Paradise ran
19 Now , as the throbbing drone of the aircraft 's engines broke through her dark memories , and she wearily attempted to make herself more comfortable in her seat , Laura almost groaned aloud when she looked back at the total innocence and naïveté of her much younger self .
20 Rachel got up from the sun-lounger , her feet burning on the hot stone floor of the terrace , and stared at him through her dark glasses as he strode into the living-room .
21 She could force no more words through her aching throat .
22 Working with feverish haste , for the wind was piercing through her elegant jacket and Gentle Curve bra underneath , she filled the boxes , staggered with them to a row of garbage cans in the back lane and dumped their contents into the bins .
23 With a sigh Lisa slumped back in her seat and pushed shaky fingers through her gold-blonde hair .
24 Chewing on a lump of gristle in an effort to render it small enough to pass through her swollen throat , Evelyn thought back over her first meeting with Biff Thacker .
25 As she smiled back at him , shaking her head in agreement , he let his fingers trail softly through her silken hair , then slide round to cup her chin and tilt it gently .
26 Then more sensual images slid through her unconscious mind , and she felt Julius 's hands against her skin , the heat and hardness of his body as he slid closer —
27 Golfers on the course opposite the mansion were treated to the sight of the lady of the house going through her aerobic routine at the windows of the gymnasium on the first floor .
28 And so she 's becomes an instrument in , sharing this good news , a vital witness , and she 's got this joy of seeing others coming and meeting with Jesus through her simple testimony .
29 Maritz , through her outstanding ability , has an escape route from the European situation .
30 Christopher cut through her much-vaunted intelligence and she degenerated into passivity .
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