Example sentences of "through the [det] " in BNC.

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31 From the pasta brunch laid on by Sonning prior to our departure , through the several , most welcome pints in Royston 's Orchard Bar to the morning coffee at Cresswell and the celebratory buffet lunch provided by Burslem , we were well fed and watered and made to feel most welcome .
32 BONN — As the net of restrictions which prevents East Germans leaving their country grows tighter , the flow of refugees through the few remaining gaps continues steadily , writes Patricia Clough .
33 Smashing through the few Night Goblins that remained to oppose them , Duregar and Belegar headed west .
34 In the first decades of occupation it was now evident that far too much effort had been concentrated on the stabilization of the Province in purely military terms and too little attention paid to the feelings and aspirations of the Britons , except through the few carefully selected agents , and there had been a tacit acceptance that the rest would come to accept Rome .
35 Schmidt looked through the few things she brought out .
36 Instead he pushed his way into the small lounge and rapidly began sorting through the few books and papers she had left lying on the table .
37 Then , when the glider pilot recognises he is far too low , any quick movement to regain position takes the glider up through the same wind gradient , causing a sudden surge of speed and producing an unexpected and possibly uncontrollable gain of height .
38 In The Origin , and already as far back as The German Ideology , Marx and Engels followed their contemporaries in believing that the history of mankind usually went through the same sequence of technological improvement .
39 It took him 14 more laps before he could squeeze alongside Brundle , and run him wheel-to-wheel through the same right-left-right triple turn .
40 Meeting people who are going through the same experience will help you out of your depression .
41 He was followed by a head and a paw as the now enraged Rosie attempted to squeeze herself through the same opening .
42 Since so much had been done peacefully through economic change , population increases , emigration and Parliamentary legislation , it is not surprising that ministers , like others , naturally assumed that progress through the same channels would continue ad infinitum .
43 But in a sense it failed through the same sort of determination that gained him the earlier success on April 27th .
44 Since so much capital has external sources , the bourgeoisie have not come through the same phase of saving and investment , as did their European counterparts , but have moved straight to a consumption stage .
45 Firstly the idea that parasites will cooperate with hosts to the extent that their genes pass to the next generation in the same reproductive cells as the genes of the hosts — squeezing through the same bottleneck .
46 Dozens of people with rucksacks glare back at them from the platform as they wait for their substandard ‘ Sprinter ’ to turn up ; wet , cold and miserable perhaps , but at least secure in the knowledge that they will eventually travel through the same scenery without parting with their life savings .
47 They will go through the same experiences and the same activities .
48 However , Hall ( 1982a ; 1982b ) hoped that higher-skilled and better-paid jobs would eventually Appear through the same processes that had driven countries such as Hong Kong , South Korea and Singapore from low-grade , low-paid economies into higher , if not always ‘ higher-tech ’ production .
49 The letter concluded : ‘ We will only add this land is on an eminence with plenty of fall for water with a small Rivulet running through the same , is not subject to any Tax for paving , cleansing and lighting but is lighted and watched at the expense of the Turnpike Trust and the Kings Tax in the parish of Saint Pancras is only two pence in the pound — these circumstances so favourable to building need no comment .
50 I apprehended him when he was about to re-enter through the same window . ’
51 After about half a minute , tap the person on your left who has now received the power and he then leads through the same activities you did , plus some new ones such as touching toes , jumping in the air , hopping and so on .
52 Convinced that an increased dose of sedatives would be the answer , we went through the same procedure once again .
53 The audience is dragged through the same mire as the resistance fighter ; by the film 's end we 're as tired and frazzled as they are .
54 It is n't going to be defeated by watching C&C Music Factory or Sabrina Johnston or marky Mark going through the same tired MTV moves .
55 ‘ I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car . ’
56 I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car .
57 And when the second person starts to speak , the first person goes through the same performance until there is a chance to interrupt and say : ‘ To get back to what I was saying … ’ or ‘ This only goes to prove my point … ’
58 The cooperative movement had been going through the same process , and every week was being confronted by the same forces which had compelled trade unionists to consolidate their forces .
59 It 's especially useful in lofts or cellars , and will also dispose of bath and/or shower waste through the same pipes .
60 In a parallel move , Sun is putting 3.4m Chubb shares up for grabs to investors through the same three brokers .
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