Example sentences of "year [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Its US business was profitable in fiscal 1991-92 , where it lost money the previous year , said Bernard Chapot , vice president-director general , and its revenues this fiscal year should top $40m , from approximately $39.5m last year .
32 Last year , it managed to raise £150 million , while the sale of its hotels this year should raise a further £100 million .
33 The fact that we have a Scottish President combined with the fact that this Division do not hold their dinners every year should guarantee an evening to remember !
34 While ‘ it is too soon to be sanguine ’ , the board says , it believes the worst is over for its portfolio , and that with the benefit of devaluation for the whole of the second half , earnings for the full year should allow the trust 's record of dividend progress to be maintained .
35 At what time of the year should woodworm be treated ?
36 Her progress next year should determine whether tennis 's loss will be Oxford 's gain or vice-versa .
37 The prize for the most unfortunate advertisement this year must go to Mobil , the oil major , for yesterday 's offering in the Financial Times .
38 All that celebratory burning of good kindling at the onset of the darkest and longest months of the year must assuage some deep primitive need .
39 All the energy and drive which gave to that campaign so electric a character in the first weeks of this year must find outlets for the same fundamental objectives in new , and yet familiar channels .
40 Babies up to one year must use a suitable seat or restrained carrycot , if available .
41 Easter that year must have been one of the mixed joy and sadness when many old members returned after the War whilst others did not .
42 Such events , however , were not very frequent — a whole year might pass without one — and so the only additional earnings he could usually rely on were his winnings at the weekly bridge school .
43 This year might represent a compromise with regard to the those two opposition positions which again I would suggest are something that perhaps owes more to than it does to actual political affiliation .
44 A school with , for example , a difficult second year might need and could be offered a selection from in-service training for staff , an analysis/assessment exercise focused on the whole or particular parts of the school , a support teacher for particular departments , some kind of on-site unit , some share in off-site provision .
45 This year might see a difference , especially now the Foundry climbing wall is open .
46 Almost instinctively , people worried that so outstanding a year might tempt Helen to switch at once to the professional circuit .
47 £150 a year might seem expensive for an actress at the beginning of her career , but look what you got for it , and with Charles sharing the rent as well as the bed , what could be more acceptable in a period of economic pressure when whisky cost the exorbitant price of 12s. 6d. a bottle ?
48 That 's an area of course that we would wish to increase eventually but looking at the protected figures , a large increase in the primary schools delegated budgets this year could result in , in a de facto cut to the secondary schools next year .
49 It was finally sinking in that if a year could go by , then so could two , or even three .
50 A big quake this year could do the same .
51 EUROPEAN funding for the Highlands worth £20 million a year could cover health initiatives — the first time that spending on health has been considered for such grant aid .
52 Besides , the advent of a National Lottery next year could make a nonsense of the strategy 's premises about funding .
53 But the prospects that the North-west economy might not be as buoyant next year could affect our performance in 1990 . ’
54 Before long West Germany 's Bundestag may confront the same problem : the federal elections late next year could give the Republicans enough votes to achieve representation — and not necessarily at the expense of Hans-Dietrich Genscher 's Free Democrats .
55 Moves towards fiscal harmonisation within the European Community after this year could lead to lower diesel fuel prices in Britain , too .
56 Savings in a full year could reach £1 million if momentum is maintained .
57 A similar delay this year could spell the end of Sudan 's civil war , unless the SPLA can regroup and mend differences .
58 Pacino may pick a consolation Supporting Oscar for his hunchback in Dick Tracy , but this year could see instead ‘ length of service ’ Oscars for Richard Harris ( first nominated in 1963 for This Sporting Life ) and Joanne Woodward ( first nominated in 1957 for The Three Faces of Eve ) .
59 1,000 jobs were lost in the UK , and this year could see the end of IBM 's ‘ no involuntary redundancy ’ policy .
60 The newspaper Liberation believes that Bull 's operating loss for the full year could hit $185m , with net losses exceeding $370m .
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