Example sentences of "over the year " in BNC.

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1 The worst has produced 7.7 per cent over the year , while the best , Lloyds International , is more than six points better .
2 They had to take many economic decisions in the course of each annual cycle , and according to their status and wealth they made different decisions from one another in various places and over the year .
3 Each month we take note of your letters and try to redress the balance , hoping that over the year we get it just about right .
4 In the Yorkshire Radio area , where the company 's broadcasts are aimed at the under-35s , listening figures rose 32 per cent to 13.85 hours a week over the year .
5 Although the economy grew by 2 per cent over the year to September , the drain caused by the deterioration in the current account meant national wealth increased by only ½per cent .
6 Three criteria have been chosen , attempting to measure the most important attributes of company performance over the year .
7 Surpluses pushed the SDR food index down 11% over the year .
8 Over the year the total of their non-performing loans rose by 32% , against 26% for the money-centre banks .
9 Funds under management rose from £25 billion to £31 billion over the year .
10 But with oil prices tumbling — North Sea prices fell 38 p.c. to $17.75 a barrel over the year — and production costs up 80 p.c. , the company incurred a £2.09m trading loss , against a £659,000 profit , after depletion costs of £7.81m ( £5.22m ) .
11 In 1991 the problems were at National Environmental Testing , the United States pollution testing arm , which fell into the red in the second half and broke even over the year as a whole .
12 The profits advance was thanks to strong cash generation , which boosted cash balances over the year by £10m , even after the purchase of Indevo , the Swedish consultancy , for £12m .
13 Only seven Peps beat the deposit return of £137 over three years while nine Peps beat the £109 deposit return over the year to the beginning of this month .
14 Leaving aside food , drink and tobacco , industrial prices rose only 2.9 p.c. over the year and 0.6 p.c. in the last three months .
15 The figures given represent an average over the year .
16 Days with measurable rainfall ( >0.2mm ) are fairly evenly spread over the year , with monthly averages ranging from 17 to 26 , and a total of 263 days ( Manley 1979 ) , of which 200 are ‘ wet ’ , with more than 1 mm recorded .
17 With increasing oceanicity , precipitation increases and is more uniformly distributed over the year , the number of ‘ wet ’ days increases , and humidity and wind speeds rise , while annual temperature range decreases ( Poore & McVean 1957 , McVean & Ratcliffe 1962 ) .
18 The head and individual staff members meeting for about an hour to discuss the staff member 's responsibilities and the way that the school has progressed over the year ; particular stress being placed on the successes of the staff member and in finding areas of development and growth .
19 The session is a great opportunity to total and celebrate all the small wins made over the year .
20 Changes in roles over the year and changes in emphasis in areas of responsibility are outlined at the meeting .
21 A meeting at the end of the Summer term provides an opportunity to sum up progress over the year and to talk parents through school reports particularly in terms of National Curriculum attainment levels and programmes of study .
22 However , housing work in the public sector rose by 12 per cent compared with last quarter , a rise of 20 per cent over the year .
23 Books issued from the library over the year ( 1968 ) totalled 428,712 , of which 142,723 were non-fiction so it could by no means be regarded as dead stock .
24 ICI saw turnover fall 3 per cent to £12900m over the year .
25 This is the process by which the manager sets aside perhaps an hour per year to talk privately to each adviser , to look back over the year and forward to the next and discuss any concerns that the manager and adviser may have .
26 Table 4.5 shows that , as we would expect , cognitive impairment increased over the year in all samples .
27 ‘ He 's deteriorated over the year — sometimes he does n't recognise me now ; and I have to fight him to get him to do anything .
28 Temperatures in its waters vary from 0o to 29°C over the year .
29 The Kings Head has welcomed its share of celebrities over the year , including Turner , whilst working on his painting of Easby Abbey , Franz Liszt , who arrive late to play in the ballroom , and , more recently , Val Doonican .
30 Overall , the swing in our panel over the year leading up to the 1987 election was 5 per cent , but among persistent readers of Tory tabloids it was 12 per cent , and among persistent readers of Labour tabloids only 1 per cent .
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