Example sentences of "over it and " in BNC.

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1 Jean held up her hand to it and when it made a bright white spot on her palm , she closed her fingers over it and pretended to give it into Donald 's hand , like a delicacy .
2 It 's got all these white lights all over it and it 's real tall .
3 He climbed over it and disappeared .
4 A red and black burnet moth landed on her hand , crawled over it and whirred away again into the grass .
5 But it was hurled back again and he grabbed hold of it , throwing his arms over it and hugging it to him , his face pressed against the metal .
6 For greater support , the plinth in front of the patient may be lowered so that he can bend over it and rest his torso on it , with his head turned to his normal side , and his arms relaxed by his sides .
7 I had no time to steam my Christmas pudding , so I poured boiling water over it and ate it like cake .
8 The huntsman who is right up with hounds , dismounts and removes the brush and sometimes the mask after an exceptionally good run ; he then throws the carcase to the hounds who squabble over it and eat it .
9 Remember how nasty it was the last time you were sick ? ’ or ‘ Do n't leave your doll at the top of the stairs , because someone might trip over it and fall to the bottom .
10 ‘ I went to climb over it and the bloody thing twitched , nearly shit meself . ’
11 Allen placed the steel bow between the stone uprights of the parapet , dropped the hook over it and lowered the rope to the ground .
12 The Americans went nuts over it and awarded it the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film .
13 Miss Hatherby swooped low over it and said , ‘ The Honourable Edwina Trevelyan !
14 ‘ It 's taken this long to get over it and , as many good athletes have discovered to their cost , the temptation has always been to carry on training .
15 The well had a little wooden roof over it and a simple winding device and there was the rope dangling down into a dark bottomless hole .
16 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
17 A loaded trolley had a white cloth that looked pink draped over it and an oxygen cylinder was just visible in a dark corner .
18 This is the usual cube-like structure in matt black , but when it is switched on and working , lots of tiny ruby lights twinkle and sparkle all over it and it becomes totally magical and beautiful .
19 They flew low over it and dropped a can asking for directions to Koepang .
20 And it 's got victory written in small letters all over it and of course the v for victory and this this particular design here has got items of clothing and the number of coupons required for each item scattered over .
21 The maltote too thus became a regular impost , though the commons were not prepared to grant it for more than a year or two at a time for fear of losing control over it and to prevent the king from reviving the monopolistic schemes for exploiting the producers which they had struggled against between 1336 and 1351 .
22 Then , in December 1445 , Henry VI secretly undertook the surrender of the county of Maine , in so doing appearing to renounce sovereignty over it and implying , too , that the English might yield to further pressure , military or diplomatic .
23 The kusimanse , a dwarf mongoose from West Africa , confronted with a chicken 's egg , will put its fore-legs over it and with a vigour that would not disgrace an American footballer , hurl it backwards through its splayed hind legs .
24 We could see the Kasr el-Nil bridge , the lights of the cars streaming over it and the dark width of the river .
25 driving over it and getting glass in their tyres ?
26 Creggan came out of his concrete shelter into his cage , the branch thrust right over it and on to the path in front , and smaller branches from it filling half his cage with confusion .
27 An almost frightening moral certainty swept over it and began to soothe its pain .
28 At last she stepped over it and went down , half thinking it might snap off her leg in passing .
29 When assessing the value of a site it is essential to walk over it and get a feel for the market potential .
30 He crashed into a table , somersaulted over it and landed heavily on the carpet .
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