Example sentences of "over [adj] country " in BNC.

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1 He began to retrace his tracks , drawing as he went , back over that country around Zweeloo that was entirely covered , as far as the eye could see , ‘ with young corn , the very , very tenderest green I know . ’
2 America 's new attitude towards India may result in its having a great influence over that country in its relations with the United States ' old ally , Pakistan .
3 ‘ The five-storey concrete tenement slums built by housing boards all over this country are really the work of pessimists .
4 She was certain that if only they could get away , he 'd go superbly over this country .
5 Back at base , crews make practise drops at locations all over this country .
6 Our system of construction has been used for many years all over this country , by the sponsoring authorities and others , and erm we do n't have the earthquake requirements , but we do need many high value schools both quickly and on time , and we 've completed something like 2,000 projects similar to this over many years .
7 Many animals need to make long journeys over unfamiliar country during the normal course of their lives .
8 For a variety of reasons Stalin rejected a ‘ Finnish ’ solution in Eastern Europe in preference to a security formula based on ideological conformity and the maintenance of control over these countries ' internal as well as external policies .
9 Not long after her arrival in Scotland she had to attend a New Year meeting in Aberdeen , far to the north over mountainous country .
10 So I map out a route over familiar country near home which takes in some old hedges and one-time mushroom pastures , hoist a gathering bag over my shoulder — and then curse the fact that the mid-October day that I have carefully planned for this expedition turns out to be the most dismal of the autumn so far .
11 Most of the general European unit trusts spread their investments over several countries with the largest slice usually in France , Germany , Switzerland and the Netherlands .
12 There are profound differences , obviously , between blasting birds out of the sky with a shotgun , sitting quietly on a riverbank waiting for the fish to bit , chasing foxes or stags over open country on horseback or sending dogs down a hole to dismember badgers .
13 Habitat use also varies , with some species like the long-eared owl living and nesting in woodland ( Southern , 1954 ) but doing most of its hunting over open country ( Yalden , 1985 ) .
14 Forests , especially coniferous , areas with scattered trees and clumps , heaths , marshes , dunes , even large gardens ; hunts mainly over open country .
15 I believe the motive is in fact the enjoyment of riding a good horse fast over open country and I can understand that .
16 The Protocol has been signed by over 40 countries and came into force at the beginning of 1989 .
17 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
18 Above all , List realised the connection with economic power and political influence over other countries .
19 Not to a Jewish God , not to a Christian one , not in Hebrew or English but in his native Polish , and to whatever power it was that made the stars shine , and the clouds drift , a lone wolf howl and an eagle fly free over wild country .
20 But the greatest advance in regularity was soon about to descend on the world in which I found myself : the introduction of a complex railway system which depended on exact and uniform timing over whole countries , not on the vagaries of a church steeple or a parson 's watch .
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