Example sentences of "three month [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Look , she said , he 's left , bolted , owing three months ' back rent .
2 The supply deal could be terminated at three months ' notice .
3 The penalty for early redemption is three months ' interest .
4 But the commission accepts that since the simple offence would cover deliberate foolishness which caused cost and inconvenience but which did not damage property or seek dishonest gain , the penalty should be modest and limited to a maximum of three months ' imprisonment .
5 The set up fee is 1 p.c. and there is an early redemption charge equivalent to three months ' interest .
6 Soldiers were required to bring with them three months ' supply of provisions , arms , armour and tools for entrenching and other tasks .
7 Provisions for parental leave range from 18 months ' low flat rate pay in Germany , or six months ' leave at 30 per cent of earnings in Italy , to three months ' unpaid leave in Greece .
8 After three months ' travelling in Australia , hitch-hiking has become an addiction ; the stimulation of a new acquaintance , a frank exchange of views , and then back on to the roadside — a self-contained experience without any repercussions .
9 Some otherwise generous companies offer even senior directors no more than three months ' notice ; at the other end of the scale , notice periods of three or even five years are by no means rare .
10 Economists are held to treat one month 's figures as a freak , two months ' as a fact and three months ' as a trend .
11 Assume a German exporter is due $10m in three months ' time .
12 The Fritz Bank foreign exchange dealer in Frankfurt might quote the exporter a three months ' DM forward rate at a premium of DM0.05–0.04 .
13 Exporter 's $10m receipt in three months ' time under a forward contract will be worth DM40.4m .
14 German exporter expects to receive $ 100,000 in three months ' time .
15 Reserves in excess of the value of three months ' imports are generally considered adequate .
16 He attended Coleman 's lectures , and obtained his diploma on 21 January 1818 after three months ' study .
17 A feature of the degree is that students are required to complete a minimum of three months ' work experience in the industry .
18 Nearly three months ' worth of them — nothing before that — then , as soon as exams began : every single night I had them , and every single morning I wrote them down .
19 The prospect of a rabid Irish nationalist invasion of Northern Ireland from the Republic in order to swamp the poll is unreal in more than one sense and it is very doubtful if the three months ' residence requirement is necessary .
20 What seems abundantly clear is that even if there were not the three months ' residence requirement in the case of Northern Ireland , it would still be necessary , in order to qualify to vote , for a person to have there a ‘ residence ’ in which he spent a substantial part of the year .
21 As it is , the three months ' requirement in Northern Ireland results in the disentitlement to vote of persons who would undoubtedly be able to vote in Great Britain , for example any person previously resident only in Great Britain who abandons his old residence and takes up a new one in Northern Ireland within three months of the qualifying date .
22 First , current asset investments cash flows have been merged with cash and cash equivalents , whereas the FRS requires those acquired with more than three months ' maturity to be reported in the Investing section of the cash flow statement .
23 I was accustomed to wealthy Americans treating their children to lavish rewards for completing extremely average educations , but three months ' charter aboard Wavebreaker seemed uncommonly generous , even to a man as famously wealthy as Senator Crowninshield .
24 I assumed McIllvanney had sent a message to Massachusetts asking Sammy to telephone as soon as he reached port , and I was certain that Sammy would jump at the chance of three months ' extra salary , and if he did then Ellen and Thessy would similarly earn their small fortunes .
25 While Rubbing Along in Burmese was being printed , I was working on a bigger handbook for learning the language , under the title of Three Months ' Hard Labour .
26 As a rule-of-thumb , your debts ( excluding mortgage ) should not total more than three months ' earnings before tax .
27 ANIMAL rights workers cheered yesterday as the man branded Britain 's cruel lest farmer was sentenced to three months ' jail .
28 Many mortgages have costly redemption fees — which usually cost you the equivalent of one to three months ' mortgage payments .
29 They also had money worries — engineer Don found work only three weeks ago after three months ' unemployment .
30 For example , Brown & Root pays for estate agents ' fees and legal charges up to a maximum of three months ' gross salary .
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