Example sentences of "three of they " in BNC.

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1 And all three of them made for the stairs .
2 He looked up with satisfaction at the panelling of the new box-beds — comfort and decency for all three of them , while others in the village still slept on the floor like beasts .
3 In a minute the three of them were huddled in cloaks , by the light of two candles and the last glow of the embers , trying to think quickly .
4 Without another word the three of them dressed and then , by the small yellow light of the candles , they opened the strong-box and fed the many leaves of paper one by one into the embers .
5 Soon all three of them were reeling out and reeling in , pouncing on the fish as soon as they could reach them and pulling the hooks from their mouths .
6 Later when he was hungry , he ate three of them in a row , washed down with bottles of beer which he said he did n't much care for .
7 ‘ My view of the Common market can be summed up in four words and three of them are … the Common Market . ’
8 Keith Ramsey supplied three of them with a long-range shot 15 seconds from time , but Gerald Lee marshalled his team through .
9 Five other people — three of them women — were injured , including a man of 19 trapped for four hours .
10 The trainer explained : ‘ Three of them , Jeff Newton , Mick Dews and Barry Dixon , had a horse with me called The White Lion , who won a seller and I told them to let it go .
11 There were four sendings-off , three of them Greek , as Bulgaria beat the visitors 4-0 in a Group One match at Varna .
12 Her letters , three of them , contain no mention as to her health , or how she is feeling .
13 Six Hampdens were lost , three of them through running out of fuel on the return .
14 The three of them entered a place outside time , on a day of such stillness and heat .
15 For a silent moment the three of them sat there .
16 Phoebe made all three of them hot chocolate .
17 Come on , come on , he thought , and pictured the three of them plummeting down the last thirty feet into the basement .
18 Once , when the three of them were sitting in Lewis 's rooms , Lewis happened to refer to philosophy as ‘ a subject ’ .
19 There are only three of them — and that includes George Howarth and his wife , Julie .
20 Many have decided that the eight credit cards which , on average , they carry , three of them issued by banks , are more than enough .
21 The three of them are sitting round a low table with three cups of coffee , and Paul is trying to entertain the visitor .
22 Three of them , ’ said Lee .
23 There were three of them with ribbons and pins , in the back left-hand corner of his drawer .
24 The three of them walked back to the village .
25 That was their secret , the three of them , the night in Jubilee Wood .
26 As though the three of them were a group , defending itself against the outside world .
27 There they were , the three of them , in the doorway of the cottage , rather shadowy but plain enough .
28 The hamper would be a present for the three of them and she 'd be thinking of them having a jolly evening .
29 But certain aggravated assaults are singled out by the law for higher maximum penalties , and three of them may be mentioned here .
30 Between the three of them , they shared intimacy with such Establishment groups as pre-war Cambridge , the Foreign Office , The Times , the BBC and the Athenaeum .
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