Example sentences of "three [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Today the three groups ' future no longer looks so bright .
2 The three groups ' stated support for the conference aroused high hopes , and on March 14 Amos Sawyer , interim president installed by the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) standing mediation committee , called in a broadcast for " magnanimity of spirit " and a national reconciliation .
3 Finally , Ebussu'ud Efendi also stipulated the number of students to whom each entitled office-holder in the learned profession might grant and though the numbers which he fixed are not reported , figures have been given above which comprise a partial list for the of 959 and 963 , while Ata'i gives another partial list for the of 973 , in which the kazaskers were each permitted to invest ten students as " the kadis of the three cities ' i.e. those of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ) five each , and " the other kadis of the throne " a term of uncertain application , but almost certainly comprising at least the other kadis mentioned in the decree of 963 ) three each : the figures for the kazaskers at least , and probably the others as well , applied down to Ata'i 's own day .
4 At last , came the joyful day when the holes were carefully bored into the three Scouts ' dorsal flesh in the Apothacarion , and through their subcutaneous carapaces which were now fully fledged …
5 With a little practice you should be able to brew 40 pints of good cheap beer in less than three hours ' work .
6 The evening came to an end after about three hours ' dancing , the final speeches being made by the local dignitaries , this being followed by a round of applause for the French people , led by a British Officer .
7 I 'd been existing on two or three hours ' sleep a night .
8 He spent the first three terms as a non-collegiate student ( a ‘ tosher ’ ) , preparing himself for Responsions by means of three hours ' daily tuition directed towards entrance scholarships to Balliol in November and Merton in January ( which he failed to win ) , and then to Lincoln College , which he won easily in March 1898 because of the mature quality of his style and approach in the general essay paper .
9 He never slept much before combat ; that was why he had caught three hours ' rest during the afternoon .
10 The stimulus of the Commander 's benzedrine tablets was wearing off as he swam out to sea after three hours ' creeping and sliding around the beach , and now , his senses dulled by a chilling exhaustion , he felt the first pangs of doubt : would Roger Courtney see the flickering torch among the waves before an enemy patrol boat caught sight of it ?
11 The pubs did n't shut until eleven o'clock so we would have a good three hours ' fun .
12 CHARTBUSTERS Undercover are set to rake in £500,000 … for just three hours ' work .
13 The site was about three hours ' drive away from London and also had good communications with the north of the country .
14 Anna checked her stocklist for the shelf allocation for the poppadoms ( plain , spiced , garlic and chilli , ready-cooked ) with all the slick professionalism of three hours ' experience .
15 In undefended divorce cases a higher initial time limit of three hours ' work applies .
16 But at last , after three hours ' hard work , all ninety-nine were on the ship , and the Fram went out to sea again .
17 Juniors must be paid appropriately for the hours that they work : if they are getting only three hours ' rest at night they are working the equivalent of a partial shift and should be paid accordingly .
18 The boys had gone out to play on the forestry tracks with their new bikes on what had proved a bright but cold day ; Mary had got three hours ' sleep before they came back , noisily demanding to be fed .
19 The next morning , three hours ' sailing away from the Isle of Pines , the ship received a cable : permission to disembark had not yet been confirmed .
20 Three hours ' extremely cold and tedious observation had been ruined by the sudden flash of this light several years earlier .
21 than that dear it 's down the other end , the other side of Old Harlow , but he used to have a surgery there which he , you know , made it better after the erm , to ease up Dr surgery cos that was so packed and the shops were absolutely and you used to have to queue and queue for , to get your shopping , you could n't , I used to cycle into Harlow and leave my cycle somewhere and then go along do my shopping , but it used to be two or three hours ' job it was , you did n't get done till dinner time and then I used to call it a , a lady used to say call there that used to have the fried fish and chip shop on the corner of erm Harlow and I used to go there and have a cup of tea before I came home because I used to be so long shopping you could n't get served you see , it 's too many people , there was nowhere else for them to go , it was only Bishop 's Stortford you had to go
22 Roderick Newall , who has been held in Gibraltar since being arrested at sea last August , was kept in hospital for three hours ' observation before being returned to prison .
23 is going to happen , it 's a question of whether we g go for three hours ' training we I think we 're agreeing that some sort of preliminary training is going to come forward but not necessary three hours .
24 One was the disk erm , which actually held about erm , three hours ' worth of conversations straight from the corpus er banking , er composition .
25 Aim for a margin of safety by allowing for a further two to three minutes ' ‘ sudden death ’ extension after that .
26 But only a supreme effort over this distance will produce more than two or three minutes ' advantage .
27 As instructed , she gave Fen two or three minutes ' warning and felt the boat change direction and nudge the bank .
28 By the time Charlie and Tommy climbed through the ropes , Tommy had made it clear to his friend that he hoped to get away with three minutes ' shadow-boxing .
29 The indices of these three authors ' works do not contain the word ‘ Burgh ’ but make reference to ‘ Borough ’ .
30 A variable that has three categories ( such as three parties ' share of the total vote ) can be represented on triangular graph paper .
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