Example sentences of "back [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Minor thefts , for example , may not be reported as the victims feel there is little chance of them getting their goods back or of the offender getting caught .
2 Every Thursday is given over to a drop-in day , which is open to the previous year 's group to come back or to any girl on home-teaching , and sometimes girls from three or four years back may also drop in for a chat or advice .
3 and we 've come back or in fact
4 The feeling was back that at any moment Alain would come , but she knew it was merely dreaming .
5 But I still i ca n't lie on it , I still have to go back cos of that leg you see ?
6 turned back cos of fog .
7 He had to turn back cos of fog .
8 I had a breakdown and did n't get back until half-past two or later .
9 It is evident that the prosecuting authorities also had in mind to prosecute the applicant for implication in some of Mr. Turner 's offences , but a decision was taken in 1988 , and communicated to the applicant 's solicitors , that proceedings would be put back until after the B.M.F.L. trial .
10 At half-past nine she rang the police station and was told that DCI Harris had just gone out and was not expected back until after lunch .
11 Then he turned and began the hopeless task of chasing his shoe as it flew back and to above his head .
12 For the O level people and those who just wanted to work , mucking around was seen to be unfair both to them because it held them back and to the teachers : here they interpret ‘ mucking about ’ wholly within the official theory of schooling .
13 Because of the missing front leg , the Collector had to sit well back and to one side ; even so , he sometimes forgot about it and , waving an arm for emphasis , narrowly avoided plunging to the floor ; this could have caused him a severe injury since the floor was some way below .
14 But tonight before , well on Saturday before we came up like he 'd been back and to this after , well this morning really and I , he 'd disappeared had n't he ?
15 And she used to go back and to for treatment
16 Again he falls back and at the top of the climb we wait again .
17 And building society , anybody who has a building society account prior to ninety one two if they had n't income really i they were silly to have money in the building society account because they were having tax deducted but could n't get it back and at the same time as the independent taxation they changed the er tax system for building societies and banks which meant that banks and building societies were then deducted tax at the standard rate of twenty five percent and it could be refunded or repaid or not deducted in certain circumstances , so back to your question , anybody who has money in a building society now , or is n't taxable , should ask the building society not to deduct tax , as they 're entitled to do , fill a form and , and where people can state that they do n't , they 're not liable to pay tax , building societies and banks will not now deduct income tax .
18 Beginning with goal , in goal for er Pisa we 've , is at er right back and at left back , wears four , five and six , seven , eight , nine , ten and is at eleven .
19 Fig 36 Feet positioning : As the wind increases , move feet back and towards windward rail to counter the capsize fall
20 Aline by then would be back and on days .
21 A bad accident at Mosport nearly cost him his life but he came back and on his return to England joined the new Honda team .
22 All I was told is that you 're getting twelve months guarantee , but you 've got to have a three thousand mile service , and as the gentleman said erm I recorded the deliveries and sent them all back and on the third one , when I took it in I asked if they 'd put a new set of points in for me and erm unfortunately when it came out there was no compression at all and because because I it was suggested that I dug my heels in a bit and got an independent report and erm basically they told me to get lost because it cost fifty pound to do the report .
23 He ran back and into the house , first to his own room , and then into the other half of the cottage , feeling a strange compulsion to find something , as if there were some crucial thing , upon which everything else depended , which was still hidden and must not be left behind .
24 Curl your toes back and with tummy pulled in , raise both arms towards your toes , lifting your head and shoulders only a few inches off the floor .
25 Lawrence from Felt is back and with a new title .
26 I started to walk a way out of the main bedroom and I heard P C say words to the effect of get down and I turned round to see what was going on and the man was trying to roll over to get up or that 's what I thought , erm not kicking or or fighting or anything but just to me it looked as though he was going to get up and I went back and with my hands just pushed down onto him and said stay there , it will all be explained er and then walked away .
27 However , King was determined to catch him and he moved into the lead for the next two laps before Joey hit back and with a speed of 110.34mph regained the advantage .
28 And his brother he was in the er Spanish Civil War , he was an officer , he was a miner , but he left to join the the Spanish Brigade and er he came back and of course but after the General Strike they would n't neither set him nor his brother on the pits you know .
29 And he went staggering back and of course the horse trough got him here and he sat down in it .
30 Now it was there that we became separated , I developed a very bad throat and could not fly , just before we were ready to leave for overseas as in his crew and the other crews that were there went on whereas I got held back and of course the way I feel about it is that that week that I got held back , saved my life .
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