Example sentences of "good and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the basic British attitude had been summed up admirably by Churchill himself many years earlier when he wrote , in an American periodical in 1930 , ‘ We see nothing but good and hope in a richer , freer , more contented European commonalty .
2 After attending Mrs. Scaler 's funeral , Green writes ‘ the mind and the body , to produce good and prevent evil ought constantly to be engaged in such pursuits as are consistent with future prospects of happiness ’ .
3 The graphics are extremely good and make this game well worth ordering .
4 Yeah , erm , I 've got erm , I missed out wings , cracked heels and mud fever there , then she put , I will give you a test over the weekend , your work is good , the work so far is good and make sure you understand it if there 's anything you do n't understand you just ask .
5 Why not join in while the going is good and take the remaining few animals or trees whatever the cost , because you will never reinherit your traditional grounds .
6 ‘ How can an athlete train and prepare so well and be so good and take so long to recover ?
7 How can an athlete train so well , be so good and take so long to recover ?
8 ‘ They look good and take so little making-up time [ which ] therefore gives us a price advantage on the market . ’
9 Not only do they all taste good and comfort the spirit but they are healthier , within a balanced diet , than junk food .
10 after fighting one another for months in the House of Commons , were ready to meet together under the roof of the Sovereign and sink their own differences for a common good and arrange as they had done this morning for a National Government to meet one of the gravest crises that the British Empire had yet been asked to face .
11 The Bible also teaches that God provides all men with certain common benefits — conscience , the recognition of right and wrong , and certain institutions ( family , state , church ) which encourage good and discourage evil .
12 That just as you are making it possible to select conceptions that will result in the right sort of people , as you define them , and reject the potentially bad ones , so it would be possible to reject the good and retain the bad .
13 If it 's a general audition , be prepared for anything ; look good and concentrate like mad on your work — always do that anyway .
14 The civil power , Paul tells the Romans , is ordained by God to uphold good and suppress evil .
15 As the New Right has denounced and undermined a communitarian form of society , so ‘ The numbers of people for whom such communitarian visions are good and mean something at the level of their everyday experiences are declining , attenuating their moral force . ’
16 Does he agree that what they need is support and proper resources so that they can carry out their work , not what has been happening over the past 12 years — continual restructuring and reforms which do the service no good and break up the comprehensive national health service that we all know ?
17 Perhaps his greatest failing was his eternal , often unfounded , optimism , which seemed to stem from his belief that he had been chosen by God to ‘ do much good and benefit ’ to his country .
18 So , after that , he had decided to leave Salamanca for good and return to the United States by way of England , to say a final goodbye to me and my mother in the house where we had all been so happy at Christmas .
19 So when can we expect Bill to ditch comedy for good and go all-out rock on us ?
20 Think about what does you most good and go for it .
21 Erm we have the graduates who we 're training up and they 're not very good and drop us in the mire sometimes .
22 Moreover , just as Moore thought that freedom from the naturalistic fallacy made one more ready to recognize that there is a plurality of basically different sorts of good thing , so Ross thought that freedom from this wrong definition of right and duty in terms of good made one ready to recognize that there is a plurality of grounds of obligation , of which the obligation to produce good and reduce bad is just one , or rather two , for he thinks the duty to prevent bad a distinct , and usually more stringent , duty than to produce good .
23 As their coach , Alex Wyllie , remarked : ‘ When we arrived in Wales we were told Cardiff were no damned good and look how well they played against us .
24 Those who make the most of their new image in a positive and welcoming way will feel good and look good too .
25 Thin strips of carrot , celery , cucumber and pepper , cauliflower florets and chicory leaves are all excellent foods , taste good and look appetising .
26 Their ideal garden will look good and demand little attention .
27 where players , who are good and love their job ,
28 This hood is designed for efficiency and durability in any kitchen and is built from the toughest heat resistant materials and the powerful fan ensure that it will continue to look good and carry on working where other hoods might give up .
29 We think that we are so good and do everything absolutely correctly , but of course we do not .
30 wear out and me throw it away than it still be good and do n't know what to do with it , you know , you 're thinking
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