Example sentences of "on by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Spurred on by a Woman . ’
2 A special type of outside light is the security light , which is switched on by a passive infra-red ( PIR ) sensor ( usually , but not always , part of the light fitting ) , whenever someone approaches .
3 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
4 Mr Krenz speaking to workers yesterday at the Bergmann-Borsig machine factory outside East Berlin — a hotbed of critical opposition and the birthplace of East Germany 's first independent trade union — reiterated that he was prepared to have his position as party leader voted on by a new central committee .
5 In 1974 his property and investment group also faced problems brought on by a credit squeeze and downturn in the building market .
6 The record price for a suit was one hundred pounds , and that was brand new , passed on by a lunatic who changed his mind as soon as he had taken it home .
7 But the Labour Government which had intended the Festival as a celebration of welfare-minded , egalitarian , planner 's Britain — a Britain where identity cards were still not abolished — was , by the time it opened , hanging on by a slender majority of six and , by the time it ended , on the point of being ejected .
8 My gut , after a period of glorious dependability on a diet of potatoes , was bailing everything out again , spurred on by a meal of Lomo ( pork ) a lo Gordon Blyed from Puno International Restaurant .
9 As they headed for the first aircraft they were fired on by a sentry .
10 Cheered on by a large crowd , they added two more goals .
11 Spurred on by a new hope , she ran across the road and scrambled up the smooth grassy side of the hillock .
12 Her triumph in securing Dombey as a husband for Edith is dashed by Edith 's unconcealed contempt and resentment after the marriage , and she dies in confusion of mind and physical incapacity brought on by a stroke .
13 Depression is sometimes brought on by a sudden change in one 's life , such as coming into a Home .
14 The 4–5 favourite held on by a fast diminishing half-length from Swift Buck who was attempting to give his jockey , John McIrvine , a record third successive win in the race .
15 Mike Vater sprays us with champagne , urged on by a joyful Adele .
16 It is not everyone who can boast of being pissed on by a lion .
17 We are being taken to the ‘ limits of pain ’ brought on by a means of transport which is too loud , ugly , congested , dirty , dangerous and expensive .
18 ‘ The trouble , ’ said Fred , ‘ is that your tournament is being put on by a bunch of aircraft public relations people . ’
19 The Western was in its dying throes , but Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in 1969 kept it hanging on by a thread .
20 Legend has it that it was once fired on by a warship because it failed to reply to a signal !
21 Mark Skinner and Paul Higham , both 23 , were airlifted to Lismore Hospital with multiple injuries after their vehicle was hit head on by a runaway car in northern New South Wales .
22 Only five survivors of Woking 's 1990-91 heroes are expected to feature tonight — Buzaglo , Mark Biggins , Trevor Baron and Wye brothers Shane and Lloyd — but they will be roared on by a 6,000 capacity crowd .
23 She wrote to three or four firms she had had contact with and was taken on by a small partnership in Orpington .
24 A Provisional IRA ‘ get-away ’ car was fired on by a soldier and the driver injured .
25 She was holding on by a thread .
26 Sometimes they were to be found in a corner , solemnly talking to a rather battered doll whose arms and legs were always popping off , waiting to be clipped on by a passing ‘ brother ’ who was inevitably obliging .
27 She was waved on by a sharp-eyed young officer , who boasted he could smell a smuggler from fifty yards away .
28 Urged on by a renewed Ibrox roar , they stormed forward in search of an equaliser , and it came in the 83rd minute .
29 And medical experts say the horrific condition may have been brought on by a paracetamol tablet .
30 Ignorance of the union world was underlined early on by a detailed target list itemizing the amount sought from each union .
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