Example sentences of "'re [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 People will put money on anything if they 're given the opportunity . ’
2 Then you 're given the skis which stand as tall as you do and the butterflies can start fluttering .
3 And cos the the studio is also used regularly for rehearsals for example or as you know if er local amateur company is putting on a show in the studio they 're given the use of the studio a week before the week of the show .
4 We still have a small hard core of football supporters that are willing and able to create trouble if they 're given the chance .
5 We 're given the go-ahead to load .
6 When we 're given the price tag , eighteen pounds , that 's a different matter .
7 So you select from the information you 're given the facts that are relevant to the application you 're making that day , whether it be bail or whether it be a plea in mitigation .
8 A lot of us ignore the fact that people do have their own development and they want to do something a bit more exciting , but unless we 're given the opportunity ask will they want to demonstrate it ?
9 But maybe cos there was no opportunity , they did n't see there to be I mean like they did n't know any better but as soon as , I mean things are rapidly changing they 're given the opportunity to erm I mean through the struggles to actually take charge of the conditions and to gain so some material and perhaps there was beginnings of them seeing that well perhaps we ought to look more to this sub-culture and to erm
10 We raffled a car at Christmas in the John Radcliffe and collected everybody 's money , and we did n't have too many qualms of conscience about that , but one 's got to be very careful not to beg from patients , but I think er fun for all , a lottery is fun and we feel perfectly er acceptable towards this very worthwhile project when we 're given the cheque on Monday .
11 When they 're discarded the single O atoms does n't go and join the O twos to make ozone again it just goes another single O and then when .
12 They 're considered the best talkers , and fetch high prices as pets .
13 They 're considered the best talkers , and fetch high prices as pets .
14 Well Jake was saying that he actually why you 're owed the forty five quid is he put us down on the wrong one with your .
15 You 're got the job .
16 Very early on I realised you 're entrusted the history and spirit of the Squadron .
17 if it 's just like one exam or two exams that they 've failed or they 've been ill for or they 've missed or something they 're offered the opportunity to sit those in September then we have another exam board in September
18 We know the details and the w they 're told the facts when we report it and then they 're given a summons .
19 We 're told the brochure undersells ; but we like delivering holidays which are better than expected .
20 We 're told the weather is going to get better by tomorrow , so that 's what we 're hoping .
21 ‘ The sooner you 're ordained the better , ’ said Lydia .
22 Because if you read the paper we 're called the dirty man of Europe .
23 But why is it that we 're called the dirty man of Europe ?
24 On the other side of the world they 're called the fair maids of February , but on this side they 're known as the sweet maids of September .
25 Erm , they 're called the unorganised manager , erm , and the one , there are in fact four in the series , but we only see two of them .
26 ‘ The boys spent all their time together and they 're called the terrible twins because they 're so alike . ’
27 We 're sure that once you 're experienced the comfort and freshness of Carefree you 'll feel the same way .
28 So we start to take an interest , and among other things we 're passed the names of a couple of Iranians who make frequent trips back home by train .
29 Once you 're infected the virus may destroy your natural defences for over 10 years without you realising .
30 Police say they 're determined the catch the latest attacker .
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