Example sentences of "'re [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 're aligned east to west which suggests they may have been Christian burials .
2 They 're aligned east to west which suggests they may have been Christian burials .
3 Meantime they 're given money to buy food . ’
4 ‘ But if they 're given money for the food … ’ the Substitute was trying vainly to put a bouncing lighter to his cigar .
5 You 're given comedy and miss all the jokes .
6 They 're not fast conifers , they 're mixed woodland , some of those rare trees are very old .
7 Oh they 're made polyester .
8 Among those who say they 're owed money is a local business .
9 " They 're buried standing , so that on Judgement Day they can rise straight upward . "
10 ‘ You 're offered bacon and fried eggs .
11 Yet now we 're told indie bands should n't be allowed to make dance records ( because they do n't understand it ) , that at the start these bands wee quite rightly isolated by house ( ’ Here was the nation 's party in full swing and they could n't get in ’ ) .
12 And do n't forget we 're told time and time again , almost ad nauseam , that this is to remain a public service within the National Health Service .
13 have n't just to literally lie back there and the man says what happens , when it happens , and they 're to do as they 're told sort of thing because that obviously develops sexual abuse , women being raped , and attitudes that lead towards these things .
14 No one can predict what will make news as we enter the next ten years of Central , but as long as the talent survives , we 're promised entertainment well worth watching .
15 Well I know I get a hundred and eighty T bags , they 're called Diplomat
16 ‘ They 're called fairy lumps , I believe , ’ said Dimity .
17 I do n't know what they 're called love , I do n't know what they 're called Jonathan
18 And they 're called quality assurance , or standard setting teams made up of volunteers
19 and everybody seems to keep burying their head in the sa well when I say everybody I mean the Tech particularly are burying their head in the sand , they do n't seem to want to invest anything in preparing for , they 're called Youth Credits now are n't they ?
20 And the staff will leave you to it , unless you want advice — since they 're trained make-up artists , most customers do .
21 " They 're gone Ma'am , both of them .
22 We 're allowed Miss .
23 You 're not allowed matches on C1 , but you 're allowed baccy .
24 Office 4 's features include the ability to call up a group schedule , or other users ’ personal calendars — if you 're allowed access to them , of course — to check for clashes in your schedules .
25 Yeah , well we 're put morning .
26 In Richmal Crompton 's School Is a Waste of Time ! , which we have recently published , he is recorded as saying that MP 's ‘ have n't anything to do but make speeches and they need n't even make speeches if they do n't feel like it and they 're paid money whether they make speeches or not , which seems very nice for the MPs …
27 The only other time they 're paid compensation for loss of earnings , is when they 're sick as a result of an injury received on duty , you know Fire Brigade duty .
28 It 's extraordinary , really , but some of the best scientific brains in Britain are shut away there , at A.W.E. , and they 're paid peasant wages . ’
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