Example sentences of "being [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 Overall the Calculator accessory is the only one that comes close to being worth its price , the others are either too basic or liable to crash to be considered seriously .
2 But they can not be alike , since one of them requires a sentient being for its existence while the other does not .
3 The Wellcome Foundation Limited has always attached particular importance to the well being of its employees .
4 A school that develops a warm sense of well being with its pupils , even in the toughest neighbourhoods , suffers far less from casual , endless vandalism .
5 But to eyes not looking through ancient spectacles , it assuredly appears as an affair of the intercourse of a living being with its physical and social environment .
6 What is significant is the extension since 1979 of the range of issues in the first category which the Conservative leadership regards as ‘ high politics ’ , that is , which it regards as being within its own sphere of decision-making .
7 He spoke as if the Government now regarded the TBC as being within its sphere of activity .
8 For instance , a child may become so fascinated by watching a car backing up the drive that she fails to realize the danger of being in its way .
9 Although Mr Wise regards Windows as being in its fairly early days , he says that the firm is devising a standard configuration for Windows users on the network .
10 Mr Bérégovoy , who so prided himself as a good manager , had to hear Edouard Balladur , the new prime minister , describe the economy as being in its worst state since the second world war .
11 Sun 's first problem will probably be getting Sun people themselves to use the stuff , the transition from C or even C++ to objects not being without its hazards as object people know .
12 Such personal comments can however not be taken up in a professional staff support group , being outside its brief and scope which differ from those of a personal therapy group .
13 For natural selection acts by either now adapting the various parts of each being to its conditions of life , or by having adapted them during long past periods of time ’ .
14 If the model only gets as far as being on its side and then starts to fall , apply opposite lateral cyclic to roll out and back stick to recover .
15 In fact , the three greatest masterpieces in the collection could not have been sold outside Germany in any case , being on its list of national treasures : the quarto thirteenth-century Hildesheim Psalter ; the Sacramentary in uncials ; and the Nibelungen manuscript ‘ C ’ .
16 In all the persecution lasted for about 250 years , being at its height during the reign of Diocletian .
17 The weather was being at its most uncooperative — it was tippling down with rain when according to his forecast at briefing it should have cleared hours ago , and every single one of the navigators flying that night had been in to complain bitterly .
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