Example sentences of "'ve seen my " in BNC.

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1 Like , I 've seen my name written down about five times on that last page .
2 ‘ Mind you , ’ he added , ‘ I 've seen my own stuff flogged off in the market here .
3 You 've seen my cuttings and you 've seen what 's been on the News the last couple of days .
4 When her granddaughters came they were expected to scrub too : ‘ I 've seen my eldest sister , the minute she went in she was made to scrub the table — and it was white — scrub the floorboards — which were white . ’
5 You 've seen my little Japanese , yeah ?
6 Since we returned , I 've seen my friend twice .
7 You 've seen my record sheet , have n't you ? ’
8 Or they can be over-generous in an embarrassing way : I 've seen my wife offered the choice of a better cut of meat in a butcher 's shop , when there are little old ladies queueing up .
9 And it 's true , I 've seen my husband get water and wash it out well and er put powder and that because , and yet you should n't , you see they were n't safe really but they was that poor love they had to .
10 I 've seen my mother stand them on the table , middle of the table you know , the oil lamps .
11 I 've seen my mother standing , what they call speeting herren , that is putting them on sticks to make bloaters , and when she finished she had to lay down .
12 ‘ You 've seen my identification papers .
13 ‘ I 've seen my own country laid waste and no one seeming to care .
14 I mean you hardly show , but I could n't help seeing , you 're so slight- and well , I had three myself , and I 've seen my daughters through it .
15 I 've seen my master 's murderer ! ’
16 And what I 've noticed is I 've seen my bed linen .
17 I 've seen my patients and now I 've got to drive like hell to get down to Tweed Heads before Jill and Martin conclude that I 'm not coming . ’
18 I 've seen my daughter work continually over the past two years — and I mean work — to achieve her grades .
19 ‘ I 've seen my room and I can make my way to it if you 'll draw me a simple map ! ’
20 I 've seen my birth certificate .
21 I 've seen my mam take sheets off a bed and tear them up in squares .
22 ‘ But you 've seen my wife , have n't you , you turd . ’
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