Example sentences of "'ve been [coord] " in BNC.

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1 like it , now but it 's alright where you 've been but it belongs to someone else does n't it ?
2 Bina , you 've been and gone and done it ! ’
3 ‘ I do n't want to make a big thing about holing myself up in the middle of nowhere , but people are asking me where I 've been and I ca n't really say I 've been touring the Far East or helping Bob ( we think he means Dylan — Ed ) with his album .
4 The places I 've been and people I 've met have given me the confidence to carry on .
5 ‘ Here , mister , would you like to see what you 've been and done to me ? ’
6 That , and my only tape , ‘ Shepherd Moons ’ , reminding me of where I 've been and where I 've come from .
7 They 've been on loo while they 've been and done them .
8 Over the last six weeks or so I 'll tell you the places I 've been and the people I 've seen in the National Health Service .
9 The idea is that formalizing it much the same as you had , I 'd just given and it 's got induction er it 's got A B C erm there are personal details so that departments people picking up , see where they 've gone , see where they 've been and in things like skills , knowledge required , objectives start , finish dates how and with whom results comments .
10 Well there 's that I mean there 's all , there 's a whole range of things , there 's ghoulish voyeurism right , I mean that that 's important , there 's also the way the Royals have been peddled by the media over the decades and the fact that you know this has been how they 've been tendered this is what they actually are and that y you , you know what I 'm saying that erm or whatever it is between this is what they are , this is what we 've been and they do n't match , they really do n't match .
11 I 've been and watched and contributed to some degree , erm or at least in listening to the reports of governors at the school , erm , in the allocation of some of their contracts , which of course include some being let under L M S and some being let under G M S , with regard to building and cleaning , they were very disappointed with the presentation that the D S O gave , and even though the D S O was eight thousand pounds less than the competing bidder , O C S , they gave the contract to O C S , and a report has had to be made to the district auditor to give their reasons .
12 We 've been back to some of the places in the film to see what changes there 've been and to talk to some of the people who were in the original film .
13 No , I 've been and spoken to them again this morning and yesterday , R S C left it there not O S D although it 's O S D's van , so they should 've come out to move it on Friday and the mechanics did n't turn up , then they lost the keys , cos yesterday myself and who was it , Lyn , waited up for the keys cos they were gon na move down put it into a safer spot .
14 There 's only one branch that I 've been and that was Bury .
15 Mind you it 's a , I 've be I 've been and had a look rou er round there this dinnertime , quarter to eleven sh er quarter to twelve she 's supposed to start .
16 I mean , it 's like the jeans , I say , for Laura I paid fourteen ninety nine for a pair there , and eleven ninety nine for the other pair , well I 've been and got myself two pair cos I mean , it 's more or less all I wear just a , a couple of weeks before , and I 'd only paid twelve ninety nine a pair for my own !
17 Oh yes I 've been and outside .
18 Yeah , I 've been and there 's none there either .
19 And the fact that I say that a lot of these accidents happen because perhaps you 're not paying the attention , very often I 've been or know of situations where the bloke is really paying attention to what he 's doing and the still the unfortunate occurs .
20 You 've never asked me , not once , how anything has gone , or where I 've been or whom I 've seen . "
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