Example sentences of "'ve get [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The 13 headfuls of ideas they 've got show occasional but disturbing signs of driving them aimlessly away from what makes them so good in the first place and into acid rock tedium city .
2 But I 've but I 've got write to your na , but I 've got to write your name in the book .
3 I 've got know that I 'm going to do both the maths
4 well wait a minute I 've got get me purse better make sure I 've got some money with me had n't I ? oh there 's plenty there here you are , oh do n't take your shoes off Bryony , fasten them up look , here you are if you 're carrying my bag for me
5 No , it 's got to be right , right , er big and I 'm going to stuff it with a plank of wood and put I 've got about two bushes and what the problem is , is you 've got get
6 You 've got fix it first
7 I have to record loads of tapes , no no not just these ones and I got other ones at home , I 've got have a bath , I 've got clean up my bedroom and you know .
8 can you see that please , can you make total of eight there , we 've got wait to orange like thing goes round to the eight
9 I 've got borrow this borrow this blue one if you like .
10 means I 've got earn three and a half thousand pounds f five thousand pounds erm at some point to pay
11 But there is this centre which is right op on Parliament Street opposite Boots and you can go in there and all these leaflets that I 've got come from there , you can get those any time , they also have all the timetables , they also have all , have all the other information and two ladies sitting there , voluntary , er who will phone up and get you any information on any subject that you want .
12 I 've got put your foot out .
13 Sail okay so we 've got sail that 's on a boat and this sale like your mum 's going to go to the sales and see if
14 And I think you 've got cause to worry . ’
15 I think I 've got listen I really do n't think you need argue over it .
16 The interesting one is when we 've got take away a minus three , that 's the same as add the positive three , add plus three .
17 so 's tonight I 'm a different person cos I 've put make up and I went and got my hair done and I feel different tonight but I do n't feel under pressure that I have to wear make up all the time cos nobody treats me any different whether I 've got make up on or whether
18 no its not for my husband cos my husband says you look nice whether I 've got make up on or whether I have n't got make up on so really
19 We 've got to make , we 've got make some assumption .
20 I 've got make a fresh lot .
21 I might bring in a note tomorrow saying I 've got make an appointment
22 What I 've got pick it up !
23 Ju just do every term you 've got multiply it by X.
24 Now we 've got multiply into the brackets , so we 'll just leave the ten where it is and work out what happens to this , everything inside the bracket has got to be multiplied by ?
25 you 've got have somebody
26 You 've got have n't you ?
27 Erm , if that 's the case , you 'll notice that the two copies that you 've got have the writing on the back .
28 my wellies are too big for you , I 've got much bigger feet than you 've got have n't I ? , look you just compare
29 So he said oh you 've got have flunter .
30 anyway the girl said well I 'll ring first to see where you get your application form she , and the , Sue phoned and was on the other end and I said oh you should apparently you 've got have erm , er , application form and Mrs going to send you one , I said is that Mrs on the line she said is that Mrs speaking , she said yeah , I said will you tell it 's Mrs she said oh , well , tell Mrs she 's no need to apply I 've got all her details and she is being looked at , you know , we are looking into it anyway erm , as I say I had this letter just after Christmas to say that there was a job coming up at the Mencap at Wellingborough Road , Rushden , and I was being selected and erm would I go up for the informal interview on the Monday and the formal interview at the hospital the next morning , so I went up got the first person there and er she , she , it 's a new , it 's an old house but they 've done it all up and there all papers on the floor and then she said oh I think I 'll pick these up Ir Irene , I said oh call me Joy everybody does and she said alright , OK , I said oh I 'll help you so of course I said , I went straight down with her on the floor picking all these papers up and she , and when the next person come she said poor old Joy ai n't even got in the door and that 's it , she 's already working and she said I can see you 're like me Joy you 'll do a job when you see it 's got ta be done , I said I 've always been the same , I ca n't , I ca n't see a spoon or a bit of paper laying on the floor
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