Example sentences of "even if they " in BNC.

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1 Book-writers , Faussone says , produce works ‘ which may be beautiful and all that , but , on the other hand , even if they were a bit defective , excuse the expression , nobody would die , and the only loser is the customer who bought them ’ .
2 This is something everyone wonders when starting out , even if they are not intending to make a living out of acting .
3 A similar exam is still compulsory for anyone seeking to enter the teaching profession without the required Leaving Certificate pass , even if they are never to teach the subject .
4 What has been attempted in this chapter has been the clarification that so far the traditional values of catholic nationalism are still dominant among the Roman catholics of Ireland , even if they are severely contested by a significant minority from among them and lukewarmly subscribed to by a further significant minority .
5 As a rule it 's difficult to suffocate people , even if they 're sleeping . ’
6 Carry out those instructions even if they sound extreme .
7 This is not to say that other methods would not work , but it is unwise to use non-standard methods for recovery from a fully developed spin , even if they appear to work better .
8 Above all , show them that you care and will give them all the support and help you can — even if they are in trouble with the law
9 But the families in the little awkward places , at the heads of the small glens , on boggy ground that would not drain — they were nearly helpless , they trembled on the threshold of destitution , impaled on the horn of the one-year lease , uncertain whether it was worth going into debt to improve the ground and knowing that , even if they did , they could still be turned out next term day and their place annexed to the holding of a better-off neighbour .
10 Even if they do not have to hide , they will be like lieutenants to us now — ‘
11 I wanted their approval , even if they did smell so terrible , the reek of their hair in its stiff , bright tufts mixing with the fumes of alcohol .
12 The person who makes the arrangements with the funeral director may be considered to have entered into a binding contract , and become responsible for the cost , even if they are not related to the deceased .
13 A number of the 150 people who have contacted Age Concern England about the debt they face took up their scheme before this date and will not be able to obtain compensation even if they are granted an award through arbitration or private legal action .
14 William Blogg , whose brewery disappeared just before the First World War , is one of a whole host of East End brewers whose names live on , even if they no longer brew .
15 ‘ Others take my beers even if they 're warned not to — they sometimes put them on the bar without pump clips . ’
16 Having dogs catered for is fine , even if they are clumsy oafs !
17 the university has a new duty , we are told : there is a besieging host , everincreasing , of Indians , Africans , Commonwealth people in general , Levantines , who aspire to become university teachers of English literature , and must therefore have a PhD — preferably a Cambridge one ( though it is admitted that a large proportion of them could n't hope to take the English Tripos with much credit — even if they could pass ) .
18 There 's no reason why they should n't be funny or gripping even if they do n't use many words . ’
19 United , even if they have sold Strachan and Whiteside , still have Hughes , who scores goals Roy of the Rovers only dreamed about .
20 But the distinguishing feature of those films ( even if they can not quite be credited with inventing the conceit ) was what might be called their sense of the inverted anachronism .
21 Contact your ward councillor and try to interest him or her — even if they are not on the committee they may be able to influence the councillors who will take the decision .
22 They rarely meet opposition from the village militia , who have no training and not enough ammunition to put up a fight even if they wanted to .
23 With nine points , they would be certain to qualify even if they are overtaken by Sweden .
24 Moreover , they interpret a piece of music and make it their own , even if they have never encountered the given orchestra until a few hours before .
25 Like , we 're in the position where we can differentiate between them and gangsters in the community , and , like , we have to show the decent people that the Provies might scare them , but they do n't scare us , even if they do .
26 After all , they choose to buy their own newspapers and may be bound , psychologically , to defend their own chosen paper even if they accept that other people 's papers are biased .
27 Overall , even if they do get the paper they want , it does not follow that they get the political coverage they want .
28 When we read in the Roslavl' files that twenty-three agitator brigades were dispatched to villages in order to celebrate international Women 's Day , it is hard to imagine that they ever came across our peasant woman from Struga , and even more difficult to believe that they would have much impact on her ways of thinking even if they did .
29 Walkers should stick to obvious paths even if they 're badly eroded .
30 In the sixties , polls showed that , even if they believed that they themselves were doing rather well , most British people felt that their country was doing rather badly , and falling further behind foreign competitors .
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