Example sentences of "even in this " in BNC.

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1 And even in this conformity the detectives are moving away from the uniform policeman 's concept of correct dress , for they are wearing ‘ civvy ’ clothing like those despised outsiders they have learned to keep at a distance .
2 We instinctively understood that de Niro was referring to Taxi Driver , even in this much later movie and it 's funny .
3 Even in this case , some work needs doing to the back of the bevel to bring them to optimum usefulness .
4 Even in this area , notably over the Americans ‘ Star Wars ’ defence system , there had been rifts as well as accord in the transatlantic relationship .
5 There was no space anywhere , even here , even in this free world , she thought , which they had so boldly created , for wildness .
6 Old women knit and sew outside their lavvus , bare-handed even in this temperature ; one , with fat , gnarled hands , uses no gloves all day .
7 Even in this weather he was wearing a sleeveless vest .
8 Clearly , the Party 's public standing was extraordinarily low , even in this victorious phase of the war .
9 ‘ But the law is pre-Freudian , crude — even in this country : right ? ’
10 Even in this era of psycho-history , it is impossible to think of any other historical character of note whose public persona has been so submerged , and private morality so relentlessly pursued with such ruthless subjectivity on the part of those who have written about her .
11 Only in Leicestershire was there any appreciable cereal growing and even in this county it amounted to no more than 26% of the arable acreage .
12 Even in this case , we will absorb an amount equivalent to 2% of the holiday price which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment charges .
13 Even in this limited role , however , reason is liable to cause trouble to the faithful , because such articulation requires that the lines of communication between believer and unbeliever are re-opened .
14 Even in this gloom and with the rain pelting down ? ’
15 Even in this gloom with the rain pelting down , ’ he confirmed defiantly .
16 Even in this condition its buildings remained magnificent ; the chateau-inspired tower block was added during the 1860s by C.F. Bodley .
17 It began life as a counterpart to the NCCL , but even in this it was not original ; in 1962 a Northern Ireland Council for Civil Liberties ( NICCL ) was set up .
18 Even in this period , however , the odd example of eclecticism survived .
19 At this point the telephone started ringing far more than was usual even in this house .
20 Even in this brief description of DSS it can be see that , as presently configured , most GIS are rather dumb systems requiring intelligent , very computer-literate users .
21 A trust is set up even in this way : ‘ I want you to give ’ ‘ I desire you to give ’ ‘ I believe you will give ’ .
22 Even in this case we can consider the translation to be a special case of rotation about a centre infinitely far away .
23 The implication of the foregoing is that the right to own property , a contentious subject even in this late twentieth century , could , subject to agreed rules and conditions , be raised to an important place in human affairs and be established as a Godly institution .
24 Nothing ‘ transitional ’ will remain even in this sphere of the ‘ state economy ’ .
25 But even in this , the red bitch was not to be counted on : fierceness and docility alternated as unpredictably as the direction of the winds that flounced through the valley in the early monsoon .
26 Wellington boots are advisable , but they were not absolutely necessary even in this exposed situation , and we were each able to step onto the back of a float , walk forward along its non-slip top and climb the broad steps incorporated in their struts to enter the wide twin cabin doors .
27 But some of its obligations were here , deep-rooted even in this arid and unfertile earth .
28 John : ‘ Looking at the display racks , there are a lot of basses around even in this price category , and I have n't got a clue about what 's what , but I do want to try something that 's Korean-made , just out of personal interest . ’
29 Even in this hell-hole he found a kind of salvation .
30 Privately she wondered how much longer the old lady could continue to live alone , even in this flat .
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