Example sentences of "those [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Hans Ebert was a selfish young man but curiously loyal to those about him .
2 His depth of vision , grasp of essentials , logical thinking , and the intuition by which he seemed to sense what was in the minds of those about him always ensured the best results .
3 He was no better than Stair , or Havvie , in his lack of concern for the feelings of those about him , he thought .
4 At the Zoological S. at 33 Bruton St. — at Hullmandels — at Broad St. ever the same persevering hardworking toiler in his own ( ornithological ) line , — but ever as unfeeling for those about him .
5 Others , especially those with an interest in the psychodynamics of the doctor-patient relationship , have argued that such situations present diagnostic opportunities fully exploitable only by doctors aware of their patients ' relationships with those about them , and their previous behaviour and reactions .
6 … The ultimate objective of this discretionary power is to ensure that there should be a fair trial according to law , which involves fairness both to the defendant and the prosecution , for , as Lord Diplock said in Reg. v. Sang [ 1980 ] A.C. 402 , 437 : ‘ the fairness of a trial … is not all one-sided ; it requires that those who are undoubtedly guilty should be convicted as well as that those about whose guilt there is any reasonable doubt should be acquitted . ’
7 However , it became apparent during the consultation that separate charges would have borne most heavily on those about whom the hon. Lady is concerned — people in rural areas .
8 Congested city graveyards soon acquired very different associations from those about which Kilvert rhapsodised .
9 Why they came into existence , whether those about which one has information represent the now-visible signs of a systematic attempt by the Ottomans to provide in the provinces muftis of a high standard , appointed by the central government , or whether , on the other hand , they came into existence in a more haphazard way , more by individual than by systematic " governmental " initiative , is difficult to say .
10 When those about you are wilting , you 'll keep your cool in our short sleeved linen look shirt .
11 I might keep those for myself at home !
12 Even if a will does not give property to trustees , the property , whether real or personal , does not go directly to those for whose benefit it is given , nor does property passing on intestacy go directly to those entitled under the rules above stated .
13 There are those for whom it is not Jewish to speak in this way about Israel .
14 Those for whom the whole self is at stake , he wrote .
15 All — his pride in his memory , his sense of the internationale of writers , painters , musicians , and the aristocrats , his study of form as technique ( no contours , no edges , intellectual concepts , but rounding , thrusting , as a splash of color , as Yeats described his aim in the Cantos … ) it is all a huge AESTHETICISM , ending in hate for Jews , Reds , change , the content and matter often of disaster , a loss of future , and in that a fatality as death-full as those for whom the atom bomb is Armageddon , not Apocalypse .
16 employees who have made other arrangements to pay their contributions ( i.e. those for whom a form RD950 is held ) .
17 This need not matter but the following advice is aimed at those for whom it is an inconvenience .
18 A junior platoon , still weeks from their own Pass-Off Parade , marches slowly past , the fatigue of a day 's fieldcraft training mixing with a look of envy on their faces as they notice the celebration of those for whom training is now a memory .
19 Many readers will be familiar with both , but I have included the following for those for whom brief easy-to-find summaries will be useful .
20 There was just time for England and Australia to fit in the final Test before getting on with the serious business — serious to those for whom dollar signs are important — of dashing round the country playing game after game after game of the Benson and Hedges World Series Cup .
21 In the end , even gentle Jane Taylor , author of ‘ Twinkle , twinkle little star … ’ was not exempted from the criticism of those for whom the sharp outlines of heaven and hell had become blurred , and who regarded Evangelicals and Nonconformists as purveyors of needless gloom .
22 Among those receiving probation orders will be those for whom the section 2 defence is used to mitigate a mercy killing .
23 Such offences attack the principle of freedom of choice in sexual matters , and this , together with the punishment of those who exploit the young , the mentally handicapped , and those for whom they have responsibility , should form the bedrock of the scheme of offences .
24 For all those for whom Baywatch just is n't enough , 7 Sport 's World Beach Volleyball Championship in Rio de Janeiro features sun and sand , bronzed babes and beachboy beefcake , and occasionally a little sport .
25 There are those for whom the thought of rifling through rails of musty clothes bring back horrible memories of student life .
26 Undeniably , forward momentum was maintained during a decade characterised by severe political , economic and social problems amongst the majority of those for whom the WEA had an appeal and with whom it had initially prospered .
27 The 58% who identified less dependence on farm income as a benefit represented those for whom the farm provided a considerable proportion of total income but which could not provide a living income on its own .
28 Those for whom it was very easy to attend were either well-established family farms where the wife and son/daughter were working at home , or self-employed part-time farmers .
29 But if the comparison between those who had been in a home and others is confined to those for whom relatives , neighbours or friends were interviewed , there is still a difference : 31 per cent against 19 per cent .
30 The difference between those spending all and those spending some of the last twelve months in a home persisted when the analysis is confined to those for whom relatives responded .
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