Example sentences of "those [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 The aim in so doing is to evaluate the effects on secondary teachers of changes in educational policies , and to spell out the implications of those policies for professional recruitment , training and status in each of the countries studied .
2 Mr. Allen : Will the Hon. Gentleman consider using some of the time of those operators for the installation of a fax machine which could be used collectively by right Hon. and Hon. Members rather than duplicating many times a facility that could be provided and serviced by one additional member of staff , or even by current members of stall ?
3 They 're going to lend money for long term projects , and the people of Lincolnshire , who benefit through those projects for years to come , will be paying modestly for years to come .
4 I agree with both the judgments that have been given and with the reasons given in those judgments for allowing this appeal .
5 They will do that because the Milk Marketing Board has put forward those proposals for reform .
6 ‘ Therefore this council calls upon the Government to re-think urgently those proposals for change in the method of funding pharmacists . ’
7 It should have the same meaning for each person , whatever his contribution to the world , whether it be that of a labourer or that of the highly qualified expert in , for example , quantum mechanics or any other of those disciplines for the erudite which , to the laity border on unreality .
8 In 1281 he was commissioned by the king to search the chirograph chests for all deeds relating to Jewish debts , which had come into the king 's hands through the forfeiture of the creditors concerned , and then to levy those debts for the king .
9 Traditionally , those bathrooms for people with mobility problems have n't been attractive — available only in white and with various attachments that appear to be included as afterthoughts .
10 Do n't you think those adverts for erm the Vauxhall Corsa are really pointless ?
11 Hands up who can remember what any of those stand for without looking on er
12 You mentioned the accounts of the Maxwell Charitable Trust as having five hundred thousand of assets , I saw those accounts for the first time the other day and I found that they had five hundred and one thousand of assets of which er five hundred thousand consisted of a a purely hypothetical transfer of an asset from a Liechtenstein trust to the U K trust and that asset had no valuation done on it as far as I can make out a and no reference to any valuation appeared in the accounts , so we actually had B I M apparently owned by a charitable trust on the face of it with figures of five hundred and one thousand of assets , but in practical accounting terms and valuation terms , no evidence that those five hundred and one thousand pounds er of assets had any valuation approaching that figure .
13 After isolating those checks for which no good reason , business or not , could be found , management reduced the checks to fewer than 75 .
14 For those forms for those schools that have sixth forms , yes , but there are other ways of providing sixth form education within the County .
15 Welty stored those gems for later use .
16 The marketer must understand why people want or need products , so that he or she can : * group ( or " segment " ) different people according to those reasons for purchase ( see chapter sixteen ) ; * design and distribute products which will deliver the required " satisfactions " for these needs or wants ; * target promotional activities on these different people so that they become aware of the satisfactions on offer from the supplier , and are encouraged to make the actual purchase .
17 If the party serving an r21 notice intends to rely on one of those reasons for not calling the witness he must say so .
18 I 'm not gon na keep those knickers for me .
19 And er she 'd say erm tt what do you want all those knickers for ?
20 The problem we 've got at the moment is that we have a lack of housing if you like , and we should surely put , pinpoint those houses for those people most in need .
21 One might speculate that an impending solution to the Northern Ireland problem would split off from the clerical leadership those groups for whom the present position is only accepted on pragmatic grounds .
22 Eleven minutes of the second half gone , Shrewsbury Town three , Blackburn Rovers one , Kevin , Steve with a penalty and Tommy the young Irishman doing so well tonight here to get those goals for Shrewsbury , we 're going off to Neil .
23 Of those attractions for which an entrance fee is charged , Madam Tussauds in London headed the list with 2.4 million visitors , closely followed by Alton Towers in Staffordshire with 2.2 million .
24 In the absence of appropriate provision by other bodies , the WEA had grown as a social movement which sought to provide those opportunities for people , denied access to further and higher education , either through its own efforts or cooperatively , but without patronage , in partnership with the universities , LEAs , and other agencies .
25 Once , when the shock of alarm thrilled through her with more than usual intensity , she began to sing , softly , to keep her spirits up , and several phrases had passed her lips before she realized that the song came from her childhood — that she had not sung those words for almost twenty years , had forgotten them even until this moment when , with startling clarity , her memory travelled back in time .
26 Seeing as we 've had those words for about a week I should think we do know them then .
27 Central Government Departments which achieve savings through competitive tendering will in future be able to apply those savings for the benefit of their programmes .
28 Those parties for whom work is to be done or who themselves are doing work for engineers must be aware of the inherent uncertainties involved in the project and negotiate a sensible and commercially prudent apportionment of liability .
29 If I 'd become known as the Man In The Pyjamas , I 'd have to wear those pyjamas for the rest of my life !
30 In section three erm I set out erm my basis for the valuation of all those criterion for each of the sectors and basically I 've adopted erm a fourth grade evaluation of each of the factors and you 'll see on table one , which is contained within section two , erm the er the summary of that consideration .
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