Example sentences of "many people have " in BNC.

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1 Below I 've listed some ideas which many people have already carried out .
2 Of course , taking account of the value of a house and its contents and personal savings and investments it is not surprising that a great many people have estates that exceed the inheritance tax threshold .
3 I can not believe so many people have attacked her for petty reasons , like here lack of smiling .
4 He says that it is a sad fact that many early RDS receivers failed to perform even basic tasks adequately , and many people have been put off RDS for life because of : ‘ experiences with receivers that performed inadequately and which failed to live up to the promises the broadcasters made for them ’ .
5 Many people have suffered from sales falling through and from house-buying chains , and some of our vendors feel that now 's as good a time as any to sell . ’
6 Many people have made substantial personal fortunes in the past few years , Mr Palumbo writes in the council 's annual report , and having inherited the mantle of the great patrons of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , they should acknowledge their responsibilities by returning a portion of their good fortune to the community .
7 ‘ The fact is that many people have made substantial personal fortunes in the last few years , and with encouragement and the lowest income tax rate for 50 years , I believe they will be prepared to acknowledge their privileged position and return to the community a portion of their good fortune .
8 ‘ The question of how to resolve the fear which so many people have in Hong Kong was omitted , ’ said Peter Harris , a political scientist .
9 Many people have noted how the police are not helpful in initiating research or in welcoming sociologists ( Greenhill 1981 : 91 ; Holdaway 1979 : 1 , 1983 : 3–4 ) .
10 More promising as a building type for conversion into living accommodation , as many people have recognised is the barn .
11 So many people have credit cards , because it is quite tough to get through daily life today without one . ’
12 Too many people have been upset by their experiences at the hands of a hairdresser . ’
13 To be fair , there is no doubt that with luck , commonsense and sensible advice many people have done very well out of privatisation shares .
14 Even with an Architect , problems may arise and it is then many people have found out how pleased they were to have an Architect at hand to turn to .
15 Many people have written about it .
16 It will also , eventually , accumulate a mass of fine detail : on how many people have flush-toilets , for instance .
17 Economic and monetary union between the two German states ( GEMU ) may actually come sooner than many people have expected .
18 Too many people have forgotten that a bid , even one opposed by directors , is simply an offer to buy shares , not a struggle to the death .
19 One , who said he was an intelligence officer in the Republican Guard , volunteered that ‘ many people have tried to kill Saddam . ’
20 For the main misconception that many people have is that orthodox women are regarded as inferior to men .
21 The cost of a funeral or cremation is considerable and many people have the feeling that the dead person should have the very best , but this decision can put them in debt for some time to come .
22 The view that many people have , of ‘ I have n't got anything and anyway it all goes to my wife ’ , can often lead to legal difficulties and may not be so straightforward as is supposed .
23 They are making a thoroughly poor fist of it , and many people have virtually given up . ’
24 Many people have left the bright lights and made a success in tourism-related businesses and cottage industries , such as cheese-making and brewing , ’ says Terry Trevarthen , regional director for Miller Countrywide in Truro .
25 ‘ Through Highlander 's programs , many people have been encouraged to find beauty and pride in their own ways , to speak their own language without humiliation , and to learn of their own power to accomplish self-defined goals through social movements built from the bottom up . ’
26 She seems all the more objectionable because so many people have been falling over themselves to help her .
27 Many people have heard the name of Richard Baxter , but know little about him .
28 You would be prudent not to pay deposits or any money in advance : many people have paid deposits to companies which have gone bankrupt a few weeks later .
29 Many people have reservations about festivals of drama for young people , even of non-competitive ones such as this in Leeds .
30 Many people have suggested it might be a forestry vehicle .
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