Example sentences of "even [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 Even I could have . ’
2 He did n't notice me , but lapsed heavily into what even I could recognize as elementary German .
3 Even I could do nothing .
4 But Changez looked so alone — and close up I could see bits of bristle sticking out of his badly shaved face — that even I could n't laugh at him in my usual way .
5 But even I could n't will wakefulness with complete success , and the events of those nights soon began to affect my day-time behaviour .
6 Even I could see it was rusting away .
7 Not much late I asked Dr Ethelwynn Trewavas her opinion , and she assured me two species were involved , and kindly showed me photos of the teeth of both species , which even I could see were different .
8 Lili and I were silent and I wondered for a moment how I would be feeling if I was going to marry the man I loved — had loved , I amended in my mind , for surely even I could n't be so idiotic as to love still where I had met with such treachery .
9 Even I could n't see some of them last week .
10 The tousled girl in front of me , she was reading a buxom magazine : its text was in French , I think , but even I could tell that the article she scanned was about fellatio technique — blowjob knowhow .
11 ‘ There was I playing so well even I could n't believe it and along comes this kid and keeps me off the table for three frames !
12 Only even I could n't have known there 'd be nowhere to stay but at the Hall !
13 They needed something to stimulate them , even I could see that , to dispel the overwhelming atmosphere of gloom .
14 But even I could n't blame him for the phone ringing just as I was at the front door .
15 Even I could see he is not a good player .
16 even I could n't do them .
17 Well not even I could heard them I was in the second row .
18 But even she could not manage Firelight , which brought him back again and again to the anchor-stone that Firelight had become in his life , which fact he would admit to no one and , in fact , had difficulty in accepting himself .
19 A situation of which not even she could guess the outcome ?
20 She wished she could lay claim to a migraine but knew that Betty would not let her , that anyway even she could not be so mannerless as to absent herself from her own picnic , and that even if she did have a blinding migraine she would still have to go .
21 But in the end , even she could delay it no longer and reluctantly , she headed for Lower Axe .
22 Well , she rationalised now , the man was a consummate actor , and even she could n't deny his talent .
23 He was on a white horse but even she could see that it was not Ana 's horse .
24 Adam Burns was a stunningly attractive , charismatic man , even she could never deny that .
25 ‘ Surely even you could n't imagine I 'd claim ownership without the proof to back it up ? ’
26 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
27 ‘ I really do n't believe that even you could be so insensitive .
28 ‘ I 've known just what sort of a woman you are ever since the first time I was unfortunate enough to meet you — though I confess I did n't realise even you could stoop quite as low as you have this time . ’
29 Oh in fact you 're not even you could never have to go back to that same place but depends on where what you 're doing at the time that assignment comes up for reselling .
30 ‘ Surely even you could n't have seriously thought that I intended abducting Kirsty ? ’
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