Example sentences of "those who would " in BNC.

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1 It is intended both for those who want to do practical or legal work for human rights organizations , and for those who would find it an outstanding preparation for research degrees in Law , Philosophy and Politics .
2 But those who would prefer to explain the book as a comedy of manners , or as current affairs , might have difficulty in explaining the prominence given to the love affair .
3 To a less immediately visible extent the institution of policing is also set up to control those who would publicly demonstrate against the state and its executive powers .
4 The need to get the retiring member to sign such a document indicates the institutional fear of the outside lying behind the threats which Sir Peter Imbert issued to those who would write controversial memoirs ( Police Review , 26 August 1988 ) ; for the ‘ family ’ demands silence unto death from its members !
5 In a game similar to that devised for the radio show Desert Island Discs , we listed those who would get one bullet from a six-gun , and placed them in order of preference , much in the way the FBI listed the top wanted men in the USA .
6 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
7 In pensive vein he had published ‘ an early warning ’ in The Favourite Game against those who would follow ‘ our future leaders , the war babies ’ ; for the simple reason that while the world convulsed in its madness and death-throes , ‘ we grew up with toy whips , ’ ‘ games ’ played by old and young alike .
8 Those who would prefer to use a bank amounted to 22 per cent .
9 And of those who would hang , it is less for retribution than to save the next victim .
10 Tagging , house arrest , tracking offenders , curfews and other restrictive punishments being considered by the Government for its Criminal Justice White Paper , would be a ‘ trip wire ’ into custody for those who would not have been jailed , they warned .
11 All language is morally loaded ( one campaigner 's unborn child is another 's clump of cells ) but those who would trick the public by the term pre-embryo should be prepared to concentrate on the moral status of the early embryo , not on dreaming up a new vocabulary .
12 As I looked at the faces marching past with a smart eyes right , I could n't help thinking of those who would have liked to have been on this parade ; those still manning the trenches , and all those buried in a shallow grave in the orchards around the village .
13 This is true even of immaterial rights : a right to free speech is a claim to say to others what they do not want to hear , and to do so , if necessary , thanks to the exercise of force against those who would like to interfere .
14 There are those who would tell you that BMW 's reputation for first-class finish has been on thin ice for some time but , until now , we 've seen little evidence to substantiate the claim .
15 ‘ I would seriously ask the question of those who would impose an absolute prohibition , what kind of right in a free and liberal democracy do they think they have to say no to that group of people ?
16 Though purists may object , the performances of all four concertos on the disc spring to life , fast movements as well as slow , and will equally delight those who would normally choose an account on modern instruments .
17 For the new generation , providence meant looking ahead in this progressive sense ; those who would not do so were classed as improvident .
18 Is that not a crushing answer to those who would maintain that Miller and myself live in the same flat ?
19 I simply remove myself , calmly , and with a dignity that must be noticed even by those who would have to look the word up in a dictionary to get some faint glimmer of an idea of what the concept actually means .
20 Argyll 's reply included a counter-warning against listening to the counsel of those who would persuade him to ‘ blood-letting and burning of poor men , to make your Lordship serve their wicked appetites ’ .
21 And you ca n't seriously characterise a nation 's ballet strength by those who would risk anything to escape it .
22 Among those who would either pay no extra tax under Labour , or very little extra , are many people with more disposable income than the ‘ well-off ’ targeted by Smith .
23 As Adam Smith observed , from individual greed come growth and prosperity for all , so long as there are sanctions against those who would profit by theft and mechanisms to ensure that all can share in the prosperity .
24 He disputed suggestions that his own redistributive mock Budget at the outset of the election campaign may have contributed to the party 's defeat and expressed concern that those who would have gained from it had apparently failed to heed the message .
25 The New Zealand experience suggests that those who proceed with ‘ open ’ adoption are not altogether the same as those who would have done so under the more traditional approach .
26 This suggests the significance of specialist workers in two possible ways : either preventing compulsion where there was insufficient risk to the patient or others , or persuading those who would otherwise have been sectioned to enter hospital informally .
27 We should make no mistake about the political nature of these developments , but a horrified throwing in of the towel is no response on the part of those who would manage the service in the interests of pupils .
28 Those who would run our schools can not have things all ways .
29 For those who would like a more relaxing evening , what better than to sit at an open air cafe , sipping an ice cold beer , listening to the local brass band in the village square and watching the sun slip down behind the mountains — perfect !
30 Those who would like to check the validity of this view can see his portrait in the church at Arona or , more spectacularly , visit the colossal statue to him that stands a little to the north of the town .
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