Example sentences of "way [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This way rather a lot of calories can be consumed ; the chart gives the number of calories per ounce of dried fruit .
2 in its primely purpose it has therefore undoubtedly be an outstanding success , but as the report makes way clear the experiment has had adverse to that effect , notably on the A one three four and on minor roads from the East on the A ten eighty eight .
3 The old chapel was demolished in 1907 to make way fro the Centenary Memorial Hall .
4 Mike turned away , wiping his hands on an oily rag , the way only a real mechanic can .
5 And those bits again , either tuck them in out of the way or better still fold them over and put a big plaster over the top to get them right out the way so no ends are left dangling , remember for most people you 're doing this for they 'll probably be returning to their place of work , okay , so they need to be safe to return to work , everybody okay on that lot ?
6 My spelling is awful by the way so the chances are I wo n't spot any spelling mistakes , yeah ?
7 at our next meeting is there anyone else you need to consult before making the decision to proceed now at this point , it 's coming to the end of the first appointment , you 're pretty sure you 're on your way so the pressure is off , he 's feeling fairly relaxed and hopefully he 's enjoyed the whole sale process with you , so what should his re his response be ?
8 Surely Tom one of the main criteria should be placing seats in the studio theatre for something with a bit more comfortable that way perhaps the punter 's will come back more often it 's easier to make a punter come back than it is getting in there in the first place . .
9 Some way away a couple of humans were using some sort of machines to load boxes into a hole in the side of the plane .
10 A long way away a cloud of sand martins wheeled in the air before roosting .
11 She had planned , she thought as she warily made her way downstairs the following morning , on solitude .
12 ‘ I would n't have classed you as a Shakespeare fan , ’ she said quietly , edging her way surreptitiously a foot further along the balustrade .
13 This may well be a pleasurable and interesting occupation but it will not in any way further the quest for the universal philosophy so urgently needed , unless those students and specialist authorities use the opportunities afforded them to serve humanity more widely and wisely than by merely producing yet more literature for yet more students .
14 On his way home a great tempest separates his flagship Indraugnir from the rest of the fleet .
15 On the way home every day SuSu broke down .
16 There was no response and the meeting continued on another tack until a man came from the back of the room with a story about how he had , in the pitch black night , walked straight into a lamp post on his way home the night before : hence the severe head pains .
17 On his way home the son did not believe that there was any possibility of his father forgiving him .
18 On the way home the recorded voice on the car radio gave its weathered , sweet , mellow report of the day 's play .
19 There were no bridges left standing between Verona and Rome and , according to Eric , who from now on was to travel this way once a week , every village south of Florence on the main road to Viterbo and Rome had been either destroyed or severely damaged .
20 By the way both the TSB and programme articles are luvly .
21 On the way here the highway borders what must be some of the most delectable coastal scenery in the world : wooded headlands enclosing beach after sandy beach , empty of people .
22 The debate about social welfare is but one example of the way even the multi-dimensional negotiation is organized around the general commitment to preserving Japan 's existing social priorities .
23 This may well be the most radical break with the way even the most highly computerized businesses are still being run today .
24 You seen the way even the guys here like Khaur and Danjit and Mijnheer — hell , all of 'em — do n't take to us towers .
25 I like bed , I like the female body , I like the way even the shallowest of women become beautiful when their clothes are off and they think they 're taking a profound and wicked step .
26 On my way there the first morning I noticed that Nelly 's house had a ‘ To Let ’ sign in the window .
27 Before they were half way there the Orcs and Goblins regrouped .
28 On his way there the frigate taking him to Suez had called at Jidda to enable him to meet Sharif Husain , the father of Amir Faisal who was leading the Arab Revolt .
29 All the way downtown the cops ' disfigured faces glittered with electronic traceries of red and blue data , analysis , file reports , yellow nets , video idents , updates on other cases .
30 If it 's not possible to buttonhole the parent in this way then a note in friendly terms saying that ‘ we have a problem and could we meet to discuss ways that the school may be able to help ? ’ is an approach that is likely to bring about a positive response .
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