Example sentences of "way [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 My maximum bet had given away my hand and forced Judas to go one way where he would otherwise have certainly gone both .
2 They have been created because we have chosen to look at a situation in a certain way or we have chosen to treat as a problem something which is merely a change .
3 Jupiter 's principle of expansion will apply to partnerships so that you can add to the relationship in some way or you will find your self-esteem rocketing because you are adored .
4 You must also remember to tell your insurer if the nature of your work changes in any way or you could find that your policy is inoperative should you need to make a claim .
5 So you can either go that way or you go direct .
6 If you want to park in Nottingham city centre there 's space at the Arndale Centre car park that 's at the bottom of Maid Marion Way or you could even made your way to the Stoney Street car park you 'll find that in the Leys Market .
7 doing in an arithmetic way or you had to use a sca , a log table .
8 and you can turn over one way or you can turn over the other way .
9 ‘ No , Zack , we do this my way or it all gets blown to kingdom come … ’
10 I do n't know that I 've got any ambitions that way although you never know , do you now , what they say there 's many a good tune played on an old fiddle I thought you was going to say old women do n't , older women do n't appeal to me , but what about the one who raped me when I was thirteen ?
11 It was a fearsome beast in a way although I felt sorry for it when Murchison was going to kill it .
12 On the face of it the statement ‘ God is Truth ’ seems to imply that Truth is an attribute or description of God , and in the first instance Gandhi was content to allow the phrase to be used in this way although it did not accurately reflect his position .
13 Though I do believe Alfieri is still important for the role he plays which I mentioned at the beginning as it is clever of Miller to incorporate the ‘ narrator ’ into the play in this way although it is not an original idea as Shakespeare used it with his characters ' soliloquies .
14 It is true that we can not observe or measure directly mental processes taking place in the brain in the way that we can measure , say , blood flow via a brain scanner .
15 We can at least begin to understand the human life and affection and anger and doubts and suffering and death of God in a way that we could not possibly begin to understand what it means for him to be God .
16 The other , more disturbing reading is that the Shakespearian phrases are made appropriate because the present situation reinterprets them in such a way that we are forced to wonder if a Burbank-Volupine situation was not just the sort of thing they were talking about all along .
17 Another problem is that if you 're trying to deal with other manufacturers in the way that we do , where we have this extremely close relationship and they are very reliant on our forward forecasts of volume , they feel if you have your own manufacturing plant that you would always give preference to it in bad times and the other suppliers would be the people to suffer if sales declined .
18 Because we have so many cameras I can have for the editing a great many possibilities ; and if we have filmed the music properly in the first place we can already have created some very important effects just with one shot — the violins may have the principal melody with an important counter-melody or harmonic detail in the violas , so we might shoot the passage in such a way that we have the violin bows in the foreground , the conductor , and the violas clearly focused as the third element in the shot .
19 To be involved professionally in a thing as creative as this is a great privilege and we have a duty to make it in such a way that we can help bring pleasure and a sense of fulfilment to those who are not so fortunate .
20 It is surprising in a way that we remember these things , for those of us living off Greenwich Mean Time witnessed them at hours well past our normal bedtime .
21 This is still a binding holiday agreement on both you and us , but we have set it out in plain English , in a way that we hope you will find informative and easy to read .
22 Nor can we think of the Christian God as three persons in the way that we normally consider them to be , or we would surely have to conclude that it was a religion committed to polytheism .
23 God is not present in the way that we are present , in bodily form .
24 He knows the precise needs of our hearts , in such a unique and personal way that we experience the remarkable conviction that we are being personally and intimately addressed by his word .
25 The only way that we could definitely ascertain the extent of the increase in recorded crime which is due to changes in reporting and/or recording practices would be if there were available victimization data over a long period .
26 Look , with a bloody sword , and a horse all sweat , this is the way that we conquer the Moors !
27 It does mean , however , that the process of drawing inferences is more tentative than in experiments , based on if-then reasoning : if it is the case that the true causal story about the variables is as we imagine ( playing God in the way that we did just now with absenteeism ) , then we would expect to find a statistical effect of X on Y .
28 One way is to use two factors , rather in the way that we did for documents , and these two factors will be called ‘ participation ’ and ‘ control ’ .
29 The issue is even more complicated in the world of sound recording , because we can not pick up a record and listen to it in the same way that we can pick up a book and read it .
30 It is in this way that we are able to develop an appreciation of spatial order .
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