Example sentences of "they came [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They came past him at a run , three of them , two heading straight for the room that Pope had indicated on the floor plan .
2 With just over 20 miles to go Curry led Boone by 1.10 , but the less experienced Roe Valley rider was starting to slow , and as they came past the finish line with 16 miles remaining his lead was down to 48 seconds .
3 ‘ Oh , ’ she had said as they came towards her , distraught , her face and neck colouring as though with guilt .
4 Terrified , the giant backed away from them as they came towards him and fell head first over the crag , never to be seen again .
5 He touched the other man 's arm ; at once he dropped his cup and they came towards her .
6 And as they came towards the end of the day he had to do some quick thinking to find out whether he 'd have to keep the men working right up to the last minute in order to get the stint , of three-quarter of an acre 's ploughing for each man , finished .
7 They came towards the seated group cautiously but without hesitation — almost as if their entrance had been prearranged .
8 She felt as if he was closing a door behind them and right at this moment she would have liked to keep it open , if only just a crack , because Felipe de Santis walked round the plane and stood watching them as they came towards him .
9 She gave a slight sob as they came towards her , her eyes wide with fear .
10 His parents did not get on and parted during the war , which put an end to the old hierarchic world of Amnersfield , where you were not to look at your masters when they came up the drive , but to hoe on regardless .
11 Spreading out a little , they came up the hill , rain and wind pushing them , sometimes staggering under the force of it .
12 She could hear Jack and Alison modifying the pitch of their voices as they came up the stairs .
13 When they came up the grassy track that led to the headland , out of the wood that clothed the side of the valley where the village was , the girl was delighted and her mother relieved that she liked it .
14 They came up the steps with a Coptic woman in a long black gown and veil .
15 People were deemed to consent to the system of government they were born under when they came of age by virtue of the fact of their remaining within that particular society .
16 Florence further says that witnesses of the agreement later declared that Edmund left no portion of the kingdom to his brothers should he die , and agreed that Cnut should be the protector of his sons until they came of age .
17 We discovered the Syrians sheltering under the walls of Avenue Charles Helou as they came under intermittent shellfire , apparently from Palestinian positions a mile away .
18 As regards the numbering of their years , the Jews used the same era as the Seleucids of Syria from the time they came under their rule , in the second century BC , until the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD .
19 In Kendal the Duke of Perth 's horsemen were stoned and attacked by a mob armed with clubs , and as they approached Clifton on the outskirts of Penrith they came under fire from militiamen hidden behind the hedgerows .
20 They came under rifle and machine-gun fire , strong counter-attacks and a three-hour bombardment with shells and tear gas , which also affected their rifles and machine-guns .
21 Confirmation of this view is provided by the enormous and extremely rapid gains in productivity which were achieved in the motor vehicle and iron and steel industries when they came under strong pressure through government rationalisation schemes in the 1970s [ Bhaskar , 1979 ] .
22 Since , in the view of the Board , there was no general obligation in the contract to disclose to the plaintiff Mr. Perot 's interest in Vertigo , the only question is whether , when the defendants became aware of Mr. Perot 's interest in both properties , they came under some other duty to take some step to resolve the difficulty or cease to act .
23 There were still soldiers patrolling , and as the cart turned right into Pope 's Quay they came under the scrutiny of a Royal Irish Constabulary man on duty at the corner .
24 Timely interventions by senior Army officers had already established the ‘ official view ’ that the paratroops had fired only at clearly identifiable targets , and only when they came under heavy fire from gunmen , and nail and petrol bombers ( Curtis , 1984:41–2 ) .
25 As they reached the enemy coastline they came under heavy fire from the Turkish batteries .
26 They trailed 6–0 to two penalties by Gary Ellis as they came under early pressure from Horden , who won a lot of good ball but kept it among the forwards .
27 He was concerned that residents missed out on last year 's winter warming cash because they came under the Whitby weather station where temperatures are warmer than in Boosbeck , Lingdale , Stanghow and Moorsholm villages .
28 CHESHIRE soldiers were forced to shoot their way out of an ambush when they came under mortar and machine-gun fire .
29 The Cheshires unleashed between 20 and 30 rounds of rifle fire to cover their withdrawal after they came under attack .
30 FIRE CREWS took cover after they came under attack from stone-throwing youths last night .
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