Example sentences of "they see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now , the more they see of us the less they like us . ’
2 Jefferson made no public denial , preferring , as he told a friend , to trust his countrymen ‘ to judge me by what they see of my conduct on the stage where they have placed me . ’
3 The group reflect what they see of the sufferer 's assets and defects ( never defects alone ) and he or she is helped towards the recognition that his or her previous life truly had become unmanageable and that he or she had tried desperately to control everything but was finally having to admit defeat and accept powerlessness .
4 While the arguments of the defenders of catholic schools have a theological basis , those of the promoters of integrated schooling have been founded on what they see to be the results of the present system , namely a violent and destructive society .
5 Flown by Polish-trained Iskra pilot , Janusz Abczynski , the aircraft , N501SH , is one of 25 such machines that were imported into the USA by Wilke Associates , who have also established parts support , service and training for what they see to be a top contender in the sport jet market .
6 Instead , they depend on others to do , while they see to resources , mind details of coordination , keep track of morale and so on .
7 Two couples to come to Australia with us , and to act as roving reporters , travelling round the country , reporting on what they see to me , on the telephone , live on the programme , all expenses paid , thought I 'd just er let you know that er very important fact .
8 Read it in our way and we shall merely be , as Lewis says in the preface to The Discarded Image , like ‘ travellers who carry their resolute Englishry with them all over the Continent , mix only with other English tourists , enjoy all they see for its ‘ quaintness ’ and have no wish to realise what those ways of life , those churches , those vineyards mean to the natives ’ .
9 The majority of researchers and theorists are driven by the huge opportunities they see for alleviating world hunger and disease .
10 Those at lower organizational levels who will be responsible for implementing various aspects of the change can not be expected to commit to the effort until they see for themselves that the organizational leadership is similarly committed .
11 Well , they see with their ears .
12 Course they see with their noses a lot do n't they ?
13 Those members of the public who have not had an opportunity to experience contact with the mentally handicapped except in the most superficial way inevitably draw their opinions from the concepts portrayed in the mass media and , above all , from what they see on television .
14 Many old people here only experience what they see on the road ( out of the window ) — they would miss that ’ .
15 In this view , people do not directly act out what they see on screen , but treat porn as a means of wish fulfilment .
16 ‘ Everywhere I go people expect me to be the happy person they see on TV .
17 THE BBC 's Halloween programme Ghostwatch is proof that viewers do react to what they see on TV .
18 Because the techniques involved imply a separate implementation of the portability software on each different platform — they also mean that what users purchase and what they see on their screen are two different things — there are obvious questions of support and testing that need to addressed .
19 They inspect any other Masai they see on the track closely .
20 Maybe they ca n't pay the the 'leccy bill and they 're in rent arrears and you know it 's Christmas and the kids want everything they see on the television .
21 ( What the NCC calls ‘ the Augusta effect ’ , caused by clubs trying too hard to emulate what they see on TV . )
22 They do n't confuse it with what they see on the screen .
23 They know how to imitate scenes they see on TV , but not how to generate their own imaginative games .
24 MOST people associate pet food with the canned meat products that they see on the TV and in local supermarkets .
25 and erm B and Q or wha any of those retail shops may be er that box that they see on a on an estate now but er it is a huge organization .
26 Lord Merlyn-Rees , a former Labour minister , suggested children are copying what they see on television , while the Conservatives ' Kenneth Baker claimed children faced a moral vacuum and that television and film are at least partly to blame .
27 Lord Merlyn-Rees — Home Secretary from 1976-79 — told the programme : ‘ I do believe as time goes on , watching the great influence of television on children , that they begin to believe that the normal life they lead is not normal , that what they see on the television and on the film is something they ought to emulate . ’
28 The research , carried out for the Independent Television Commission , asserts that most television viewers are not offended by what they see on Britain 's four main channels .
29 Some of them even have to be parents when they get home where they see at first hand the pressures to supply children with fashionable merchandise .
30 God of all love , give vision to those dazzled by the bright lights of Christmas so that they see into the dark cribs beyond the packed inns and be the shepherd or the person of wisdom to those who have nothing to celebrate .
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