Example sentences of "they must be " in BNC.

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1 But if we are to reduce the number of new infections and protect our young people , they must be given the facts about AIDS/HIV and given the opportunity to discuss the issues openly .
2 No doubt they think they have the interests of the artist at heart , he wrote , but for that reason they must be avoided like the plague .
3 When there is an opportunity during training for the pilot to decide whether or not a situation is safe , they must be taught to assume that the worst will happen , and then to assess whether there is a risk or not .
4 Whichever way they are danced they must be set so that the one step grows logically out of the other because the music and the dancer have become excited by their relationship as the dance unfolds .
5 Because the verbs ( steps ) are the vital links in any enchaînement they must be performed in a manner suitable to the context and the music .
6 Because on the stage they acquire importance , they must be seen to have a proper purpose .
7 Moreover , the dancers involved have to take this type of performance very seriously , even though they must be able to ‘ toss off ’ the mistakes with an air of surprised innocence .
8 While choreographers who wish to create a character and/or national ballet have an immense amount of material upon which to work , they must be very selective if they are to communicate the characteristic and/or purely nationalistic elements which will make a ballet unique .
9 They must be performed and co-ordinated with the dance style and musical rhythms appropriate to the location where the story is being enacted .
10 They must be returned by branches to regional Directors no later than Friday march 13 , 199 .
11 Because they contain water , they must be stored in conditions where the temperature will not drop below 5°C , and must not be applied in cold , damp conditions , or when there is high humidity .
12 They must be socialised , meet people and children , and get used to busy streets , fairgrounds and traffic .
13 ‘ Firstly , they need lots of exercise and they must be welltrained and socialised , ’ Graham explained .
14 They must be stuffed with nitrogen and God knows what . ’
15 Thus a suspect defence completed the qualifying programme of six matches without conceding a goal ; they must be doing something right , although not for the first time their debt to Shilton was manifest .
16 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
17 ‘ These awful events create a drug culture which can never be a part of our culture , and they must be stopped , ’ Mr Clements said .
18 Judging by the sound of the guns , they must be of a heavier calibre , and their target many miles away .
19 Indeed they must be pleased by the traces of evidence that suggest that bias in a freely chosen medium such as a newspaper is actually popular with the electorate rather than resented .
20 Similarly they must be pleased by the traces of evidence that suggest partisan voters find the relative impartiality of television news somewhat irritating .
21 If they hoped that freedom would automatically bring intellectual variety and competition they must be disappointed with the press and pessimistic about the effects of deregulation on broadcasting , however .
22 If only one of those people is wondering what to do on a Friday night , thumbs through the listings , spots your band 's name , and thinks ‘ I 've heard of that band , they must be worth seeing ’ , that sticker , which cost you less than a penny , has been very cost effective .
23 Where the unions fail in their duties to black workers they must be challenged to stand up for their rights .
24 The new standards demand that by 1998 at least two per cent ( 40,000 ) of all new cars must emit no smog-producing gases at all , which means in effect that they must be powered by electricity .
25 They were of brown calf with a copper beech leaf on the instep and their shape was so strange and outlandish that Nurse Rose decided they must be the extreme of fashion .
26 They must be expecting a nuclear attack . ’
27 With only 10 days to finalise the proposals before they must be announced in the Queen 's Speech , Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , chaired by her senior adviser , Professor Brian Griffiths , is also understood to be considering plans to make sharply increased tuition fees , rather than the block grant , the main means of distributing public money to higher education .
28 Gen Enrile went on : ‘ I told them they would be treated fairly , justly and humanely but they must be man enough to take the consequences of their actions . ’
29 Gen Enrile went on : ‘ I told them they would be treated fairly , justly and humanely but they must be man enough to take the consequences of their actions . ’
30 The unstated part of the equation is that they must be tough on the Vietnamese boat people because they are poised to be tough on Hong Kong 's own claims to British passports .
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