Example sentences of "they could never " in BNC.

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1 And yet , they could never become as truly professional as their colleagues in other disciplines , since ‘ literature ’ did not belong in the academy and was not generated there , though criticism and scholarship might be .
2 Genetic engineering has reached a point of such sophistication that there are clear benefits to be gained by releasing from the laboratory living organisms upon which have been conferred characteristics they could never have acquired through the normal processes of evolution or selective breeding .
3 The British realized during the war years that they could never reap the benefits of the expected postwar boom in international civil aviation without a coherent national programme that would enable Britain to compete on equal terms with the United States .
4 Older women might influence decisions but they could never make them , nor could Hindu and Jain families where the women themselves can sometimes be tyrants over their daughters-in-law , sisters-in-law and even younger brothers-in-law , see p. 118 Chapter 7 . )
5 They could never bring their husbands , because to do so , they would have to be considered as a head of a household , something which , as I have said earlier , no woman can be unless her husband is dead , or mentally or physically incapacitated .
6 ( Perhaps their paintings said things to one another during these years that they could never say in person . )
7 They loved to ‘ baby ’ him in a way they could never do with me .
8 They could never again claim the right to be above the scrutiny of the media .
9 They were actors in a world of secret agents , codenames and mysterious papers : a place where ordinary values and rules were possibly suspended , although they could never be quite sure of that .
10 Probably no better than they should be , thieving and robbing at will , they were known as the ‘ Children of the Mist ’ ; Rannoch can be a misty place and the Macgregors would appear , take your goods and chattels , and anything else not nailed down , then disappear again , into the mists of Rannoch Moor where they could never be found .
11 There is a minority who feel that they could never accept women priests .
12 Alton Ants ( sponsored by Booker & Bolton Solicitors ) have found improved form , but they could never master Meon 's six foot-plus shooter .
13 Kaszubian farmers felt that they could never raise enough money to compete with both the Poles and the Prussian Colonisation Commission for good quality land , and thus stood no real chance of ever turning their smallholdings into profitable concerns .
14 Engels was at a loss to explain the Junker refusal to accept that after the French Revolution they could never again command the total obedience and respect they had once enjoyed from a cowed and illiterate peasantry .
15 Thus deceived , lied to by the leaders they had trusted , in the chill , grey dawn on Friday 6 December 1745 the unbeaten Jacobite army turned its back on its objective and the long and pointless retreat — pointless because they could never hope for a better opportunity than this — began .
16 They could never risk it .
17 They could never even rely upon a good singing voice — instead there is that distinctive nasal whine .
18 Said a daily newspaper : ‘ The Beatles and the Stones may have had similar scenes but even they could never have induced bullet-headed toughies with flat noses and bovver boots to wear stick-on gold stars round their eyes . ’
19 His flashes of brilliance make one want to leap up and cheer : ‘ No English man or woman could play Antony and Cleopatra : passion and love are quite beyond them , they could never discard their suburban subservience .
20 They could never get him to tell anything about the life he had lived before he came to Knockglen .
21 You found them everywhere and in the sun all of them were beginning to be too big for their blue jeans and jackets that they could never fill when they were on the bum and hungry .
22 These people are going into the familiar local stores where they shop and are walking out with the American dream they could never afford on a minimum wage .
23 The amputee 's tongue flickered silently , stumpily , as though tasting the molecules of Lexandro 's sweat which escaped into the air , before he resumed his discourse : ‘ The longest that anyone has endured a nerveglove at level tertius until irreversible insanity , is fifty-two minutes — by which time the pain signals were so burned into the nerves that they could never cease thereafter . ’
24 As works or good deeds played absolutely no part in this process , the elect were assured that they could never fall from grace , and derived great comfort from this ‘ assurance ’ .
25 For the next few years American audiences were shown aspects of their society that they could never have expected to have encountered at the movies and it must have struck at least some members of the public that film-going had become a more serious business .
26 We may know , for example , that vines can not be grown in areas where the average annual temperature is lower than 52°F , and can thus infer that they could never have been grown in Edinburgh .
27 On the other hand they were available , recruiting them was simpler than persuading workers to come out from England , and they could never leave to work elsewhere .
28 They could never eliminate it .
29 It might have been better to handle the sale more discreetly through dealer Angela Nevill , but either way they could never fetch the prices Bond paid for them ’ .
30 Being Phil 's mate , for example , was something which many fans aspired to even though they could never hope to carry off the performances required of an aggro leader themselves .
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