Example sentences of "they could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once they had left the shop and collected their horses , Athelstan and Cranston rode as fast as they could up Piper Alley back into the main thoroughfare .
2 Charles became as adept at changing nappies and bathing William as Diana , and , even when he was small , both spent as much time as they could with him .
3 Even if it were only a dozen , they could with megaton bombs inflict widespread devastation .
4 Duncan looked at Myeloski ; they had gone as far as they could with the air-traffic controller .
5 Captains had therefore to use their own resources to pay their men and bargain as best they could with the Exchequer ; but there is little evidence that delays in payment became a political issue .
6 Was it fear of not being able to perform as well at this new skill as they could with the composing-stick ?
7 It might be a good guess today if I could say that most people either done as much as they could with their model and had this
8 I think if you got taught sex education in maybe , smaller groups , you know erm if they could with individual teachers
9 Painters could work as easily with gems and enamels as they could with oils and watercolours ; sculptors were as adept with gold and silver as they were with marble and bronze .
10 Many severely handicapped children do die at an early age through natural causes , but at least the parents can feel that they did everything they could for the child when it was alive .
11 Nevertheless , we can not blame the system altogether , as many people do n't think ahead and make the provision they could for a reasonable income in retirement .
12 And of course everyone knew all about it , just as they knew that the Mackays , poor souls , had done everything they could for the boy ever since they took him in for adoption . ’
13 The communists within the CPKI moved to take over as much power as they could for themselves in August-September and this , too , weakened the KPR .
14 The brindle hounds , John Deverill 's speciality and obsession , stood well to order at one side of the drive with the whippers-in waiting as patiently as they could for the order to move off .
15 They continued to be seen for what they continued to be : organisations concerned to get the highest wages and the best conditions they could for their members .
16 As de Lattre presented his case , his plan to construct 1200 bunkers of the Siegfried Line-type ( one wonders why its French counterpart was not mentioned instead ) was to provide against future Chinese attacks but , on the assumption that the Chinese might be deterred , French success seemed to be simply a matter of US munitions and confidence and , although it might have been misleading as a performance indicator , at the end of his visit to the Pentagon de Lattre was rewarded with Defense Secretary Lovett 's assertion that General de Lattre was regarded as a comrade in arms and that the US would do everything they could for him that was within their capabilities .
17 Addressed to the archbishop and all the prelates assembled at Lambeth , it commanded them , on their oaths of fealty , to do all that they could for the defence and conservation of the king 's rights and of his realm ; it then continued :
18 They could for certain do
19 It was almost as if they considered him to be as much a victim of his government as they were of theirs , as if he could no more be held responsible for Reagan 's actions than they could for Gaddafi 's .
20 Whatever the reasons and after some soul searching they sold their home and entered college in 1921 , making the best arrangements they could for the children .
21 Within the material constraints of the situation they did what they could for the kids .
22 The same procedure was adopted as for the immediate recall part of the experiment but words were used from set B. However , before the subject was allowed to recall the words an arbitrary three digit number , provided below the word list for each trial , was given to the subject and the subject asked to repeat the number and count backwards by threes as fast as they could for thirty seconds .
23 Supply would remain in the hands of crooks who would continue to push , but with total impunity , not just to their existing customers but as hard as they could to new ones as well .
24 They kept as close as they could to the east bank of the stream and held generally towards the north .
25 The purpose was to prevent crowding of BES issues at the end of the tax year , but the ceiling limit meant that investors putting up the full 140,000 still made most of their investments as near as they could to 5th April .
26 Heritage 's depositors just took what they could of their own money and ran .
27 Slowly , life returned to something like normal in the Straits , and the bewildered survivors were able to bury their dead , and salvage what they could of homes in towns and villages that had been swept by tsunamis and showered with ash .
28 So they drank it , and ate what they could of the unprepossessing fare , conscious of the hostile gaze of the stuffed fish in the corner .
29 The large numbers of the English gentry and aristocracy who enjoyed the profits from impropriated tithes were further alarmed when the Laudian ecclesiastical authorities made it clear they would spare no pains in an attempt to recover as much as they could of the church 's former wealth and power .
30 corinder and no more except on occasions with great the bowl never wanted washing , the boys polished , polished them with their spoons till they shone again and when they , when they had to form this operation , which never took very long , the bowl , they would sit staring at the copper with such eager eyes as if they could of devoured a of which it was composed .
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