Example sentences of "they will be " in BNC.

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1 They will be moved to the ‘ death house ’ into a room that is often adjacent to the electric chair where they may hear the chair being tested at regular intervals .
2 Classes are led by experienced staff , usually by staff at the drama school where the course is held , and at the end of the five weeks groups will present mini-production projects to each other , on which they will be assessed , and they will usually be given a certificate for having attended the course .
3 But they will be there for long enough , long enough .
4 If uncollected , they will be held on the door at the venue .
5 Single specimens , even if very brightly coloured , tend to disappear in the shadows , whereas they will be more conspicuous planted in a block especially if supported by masses of healthy green foliage : ferns for a splash of colour .
6 They will be as concerned as you that you are healthy and happy during pregnancy , and that you should get the best out of the services they offer .
7 They will be able to advise you and may recommend exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles or other treatment .
8 ‘ If his name is there , he is in mortal danger , and if the French war gets worse , they will be taking them all . ’
9 They will be mobbing Sir John by now .
10 And Alexander McGlashan of Eastertyre — you know them all , and they know you , and by now they will be expecting us .
11 ‘ The soldiers will come for him and they will be sitting here , dreaming about Ontario . ’
12 Even if they do not have to hide , they will be like lieutenants to us now — ‘
13 Those born on a Friday are said to be marked out for special piety , which does not mean that they will be pious necessarily ; only that their natures are imbued with that proclivity .
14 Little wonder there was ‘ intellectual disorder ’ — if that is the correct word for daily thought stymied by explicit threats of destruction ; ‘ a state of mind fundamentally disturbed ’ — if they are the mots justes for those who doubt whether they will be able to put their professional training into practice ; ‘ bordering on the neurotic ’ — if that is an accurate description for lives lived under the fear of total extinction in the mushroom cloud .
15 So we can put some limits on the project : the chairs must be upholstered ; modern in the simplicity of their lines but not ‘ Cubist ’ for want of a better term ; easy on the eye and bottom ; they should fit in with other existing furniture ; and naturally should be of strong construction so that they will be heirloom quality .
16 People who own holiday homes available for rent at least 140 days a year will not have to pay a standard charge but they will be liable to pay business rates .
17 However , there is nothing in the White Paper to act as a positive incentive for such work , and Age Concern is worried by the proposal in Working Paper 3 that once allocations are made to practices holding their own budgets , they will be free to shift expenditure within the year between the individual components of the budget .
18 Pubs will be placed on 21 year leases and they will be free of the tie on amusement machines and non-beer drinks .
19 The local Licensed Victuallers Association have pointed out that all six pubs have gardens and car parks , suggesting that they will be converted to plastic ‘ eating houses ’ .
20 They will be writing to the centre to demand an explanation and if possible an undertaking to remove the bolts , although this seems unlikely .
21 I will use the French system for the numerical grades from now on , since they will be used in topos and in conversation with continental climbers .
22 There will probably be times , when you are at school , that they will be in charge of him so it 's very important they should enjoy this part of his education and development , too .
23 But one rather doubts if they will be .
24 Pound 's admirers will protest at this , but they will be wrong .
25 Again , Pound 's admirers will protest ; and they will be right , insofar as Yeats 's account of the Cantos is n't so definitive as Olson takes it to be .
26 They will be followed by flocks of pintail ducks and greylag geese .
27 They will be debating a European Commission directive which only calls on EC television stations to screen a majority of European programmes , where possible .
28 Colin Pavey of British Telecom hopes that they will be running by the end of the year .
29 Kingston , whose coach Kevin Cadle watched Friday night 's semi-final , did not qualify for the tournament because they did not compete in the League last season although their form over the past three weeks suggests they will be front runners over the next seven months .
30 They will be more than grateful to the English Poundstretcher League for the experience being gained by 13 of their 16-man squad .
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