Example sentences of "they were really " in BNC.

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1 They were all so done up and seemed so aloof. , Yet , in fact they were really easy going and fine to get along with
2 They were really worried .
3 He said : ‘ When we played last time we did n't have any problem , but here they tried to unsettle us because they were really frustrated .
4 All they were really talking about was fucking .
5 Connecting with their deities , through consciousness raised by ritual , through dance or song , through drugs or sexual congress , they were really connecting with this primal force .
6 They talked about the difficulty of getting food in , when all they could find was Chinese takeaway ; about strange knocks at the door of the hotel room , and why the Iranians sometimes left unexpectedly , and who the hell they were really dealing with ; about North 's pressing need for aspirin ; and about getting the hostages out , for which the only foreseeable currency was arms .
7 They were really twenty-four-hour jobs , those patrols .
8 Nick got up and down three times from bunkers , at the 7th , 8th and 10th , and they were really crucial .
9 I think there is an element of contrariness about them but if they were really honest with themselves deep down , I do n't think they would be happy if their records went in at number 150 and they were still playing The Bull And Gate .
10 If they were really brother and sister , they were a strange pair , but that was nobody 's business but their own , and like all the other members of the company , Noreen just let them get on with it .
11 Efforts to control whaling between the wars was said to be for the purposes of resource conservation ; that they were really concerned with managing the flow of whale oil through international markets .
12 They were really much more than just bike rides , for Granny , who lived with the family , had told her the story of St. George and given her books about Brownies , and Brenda rode along the country lanes make-believing she was the knight riding to rescue the princess from the dragon .
13 To the Inhabitants of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands , the Earth was not flat ; in fact living on points of land in a vast ocean , they were really sea dwellers , not land dwellers , so the curvature of the world was more obvious .
14 We came out from church at about quarter-past ten and I would scoot home , for it was my job to take a can of tea and hot-cross buns ( they were really hot ) down to Dad already hard at work in the allotment .
15 They were really feeling like prisoners and in need of consolation .
16 I really did feel like a Queen for a moment , well , even longer when I found it was not a flash in the pan , but that they were really going to stay with us .
17 They were really a couple of characters .
18 Unfortunately , those well-meaning missionaries , almost certainly believed in the ‘ god ’ themselves and therefore had no idea of what they were really doing .
19 But , in the euphoria of the moment , were the local breeders blinding themselves to the fact that what they were really doing was preserving freaks ?
20 However , recently a spokesman for a well-known oil company claimed that they were really the Davids in this country and that the boot WAS on the other foot' Doubtless , central and local government would also claim that they are simply the servants of the public and not their masters .
21 And Breeze 's heart sank still lower as she reflected that if they were really penniless , an artistic career with its inevitable ups and downs would be quite out of the question .
22 They let me look after and feed two piglets when I was a little girl and they were really friendly and affectionate .
23 They were really seeing results .
24 BODICE : Name given to spare ribs when they were really spare and much cheaper .
25 This view was evidently shared by other bodies involved in the case , and one particular representative of the RSSPCC , Raymond Starr , when asked if they were really sure of their ground and that the children had had to be removed from their homes in the devastating dawn raid , had replied : ‘ Oh yes .
26 They were really apologetic but said she had to come in . ’
27 Scientists from the NEC corporation in Japan have developed a Virtual Reality ski slope that is so realistic users experience exactly the same stress as if they were really hurtling down a mountain .
28 ‘ It was n't a case of the other children letting her win — they were really trying to beat her and they could n't . ’
29 It certainly was warm and they were really dear people .
30 Since he had caught sight of the Summoner , he had not liked to watch the resettlers pouring through into Utah , knowing what it was they were really following .
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