Example sentences of "they were but " in BNC.

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1 They were but 11 at the time of the Falklands War and turning 14 as Gorbachev entered the Kremlin .
2 These ghastly memorials were frequently laid down during the lifetime of the persons they were intended to commemorate , in order that they might constantly be reminded that they were but mortal .
3 Alan told me how old they were but I 'm a bit vague about kids , I 'm afraid . ’
4 Oh , we 're sure they were but er this was the thing with a private collier company where you had er a sort of , not quite chairman , of the colliery sitting there at the top o in the office , watching everybody come and go .
5 However diverse the animals and plants of the modern world , they were but the last in a long sequence of populations that have replaced one another throughout the earth 's history .
6 Anne wondered if Ella knew just how queer they were but only said , ‘ I think it would be better all round if Cormac tried to get a job .
7 The nature of the two eyes of the Fate of the discworld was this : that while at a mere glance they were simply dark , a closer look would reveal — too late ! — that they were but holes opening onto a blackness so remote , so deep that the watcher would feel himself inexorably drawn into the twin pools on infinite night and their terrible , wheeling stars …
8 And near the Post Office , opposite the Post Office , so they were But the only thing I did n't like there was the houses opposite me They all seemed to be in their windows watching everything .
9 They were but a few examples giving testimony to campaigns against the commercial exploitation of living things for the creation of products and processes for industry , agriculture and research science .
10 They were but it 's the recession and no-one 's building at the moment .
11 I saw movements from from er the far side of the room , erm which with , due to the light , erm I could distinguish as being human beings but er not immediately what sex they were but I could see enough to say that they were persons .
12 They were but it , well it was an event , a big event in , in the , among the younger people anyway in Brooks in Willenhall then and er it was really lovely , really lovely I forget if we had to pay to go in , but er we had er we saved up for a good few weeks before , so that we would have some money to spend at the Wakes it was one of the an event of the year then , but erm I used to like Willenhall Wakes and er I used to go dancing a lot well I was allowed to go dancing cos I 've always loved singing and dancing you see and er I was allowed but I had to be home before my father got home , but I was n't always .
13 Even the first day back there was hardly any atmosphere at all very serious mood they were but Kim keeps well out of it .
14 Lovely bedrooms they were but she 'd keep saying she wanted to go out like , you know .
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