Example sentences of "they should be " in BNC.

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1 Given Rodin 's collaboration with his photographers , these old photographs go far in answering the question from which points of view and from what distances they should be seen .
2 For a few days they should be given a cool , shaded position ; after that as much light as possible .
3 They take less than 30 seconds to do and they should be left until the last moment before the cable or rope is attached .
4 The airflow over the ailerons often tends to move the stick towards the direction of the spin and they should be centralised for the recovery .
5 There is often a tendency for pilots to think that , because they are solo and have managed a few soaring flights and their Bronze C , they should be allowed to go cross-country .
6 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
7 If the builder encounters some unforeseen work do n't panic , but you must advise the Environmental Health Officer immediately ; they should be able to assist with additional finance if they are giving you a grant .
8 We should say that their thoughts are captured by salient information where they should be centrally directed , inhibited and co-ordinated .
9 This does not mean however that mental processes are in some way divorced from the physical world , nor does it mean that they should be excluded from the subject matter of natural science .
10 If these information-processing modules exist only in the minds of cognitive scientists , rather than in the minds of the subjects they study , then breakdowns in face recognition or word recognition should either be all-or-none , or else they should be extremely difficult to conceptualize within the vocabulary of cognitive psychology .
11 Maybe there should be a rule if Irish and English people had children they should be brought up Irish — the way the Catholic Church used to insist on the children of Catholics and Protestants being brought up Catholic .
12 Once an outline of the story and a general layout of the plot have been decided , they should be discussed with the composer or arranger of music whose first task may be to create a proper beginning with the overture .
13 They should be either burnt or laid out flat to dry , or kept in an airtight tin .
14 With loop-in wiring , the wires are labelled carefully , and drawn up into the space above the ceiling , where they should be reconnected in a junction box , in exactly the same way that they were connected in the ceiling rose , and a cable taken from this junction box to the light fitting through the hole in the ceiling ( if the new light fitting is in the same place ) .
15 But I do n't care , as my Mummy says I 'm unique because my ears stand up when they should be down .
16 I must stress that only aluminium cans are acceptable and , if possible , they should be crushed as they take up less room .
17 But again Dostoevsky is fumbling after a creative or regenerative suffering , because it is of the essence of Raskolnikov 's questions , desires , feelings , and so forth ( which of course do appear in the novel ) that they should be agonized .
18 Burrows seems to have lived with his material for so long that he has forgotten to throw out enough clues for the rest of us , and there are few hints as to why certain sequences are so important that they should be repeated over and over again But what constantly saves the piece from disappearing into itself is the obliquely moving nature of the central relationship and some patchy but startlingly lovely dance images .
19 They should be made to correspond more closely with private sector practice and allowed the freedom to borrow from the market place , the group says .
20 They should be offered relaxation therapy and stress management , and advice on diet and exercise , he said .
21 Mr Prescott said : ‘ If private capital can not produce the goods as it said it could , they should be given a short period of time to clear the mess up , or we will take it over .
22 Now Lloyds and Barclays argue that the debit card network should bow to the same principle — and that they should be allowed to process Switch transactions without first issuing Switch cards to their account-holders .
23 The debate within Labour 's ranks was then about how far and how fast they should be brought under the direct control of the state .
24 AS THE Labour leadership congratulates itself on a virtually unprecedented exhibition of unity and moderation , they should be aware that knives are being sharpened at Conservative Central Office .
25 ‘ While there are good films , they should be screened , ’ she says , describing the festival as an ‘ embarrassment of riches ’ .
26 In short our national standards are high and we can largely choose what they should be .
27 Those who have cottoned on to the streak of genius in Brittain 's seemingly eccentric modus operandi have struck a rich vein of gold as the stable 's horses are often priced a good deal longer than they should be .
28 Hostels Researchers at The Policy Studies Institute were commissioned by the then Department of Health and Social Security to study the extent to which hostels for the needy provided care as well as accommodation and food , to enable the department to decide if , how , and by whom they should be funded .
29 But I do n't see why they should be asked to shoot themselves in the foot by paying to train a competitor 's workforce , and neither do they ! ’
30 They should be encouraged by the tax system and give from a desire to share or spread pleasure rather than a sense of guilt or duty .
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