Example sentences of "they be the " in BNC.

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1 Again the response to the violent forging through the press and public outside the court by the accused 's ‘ minders ’ had they been the heavies of more traditional villains is open to speculation .
2 And perhaps we might imagine that they are the same but different .
3 No doubt they mean well where the arts are concerned , he wrote , but for that reason they are the biggest menace .
4 Sometimes these accidents are caused by laziness , but more often they are the result of someone not realising the significance of doing things the right way .
5 The college should have as its prime concern the nurture of ethics and integrity ; they are the core of any professions .
6 They are the ones first called to read the scriptures , and offer the priestly blessings whereby the people are blessed of God — another key aspect of their office and work .
7 At any rate , they are the best marks that were to appear on his performance schedule over the next four years , when his average ran at 56.4 per cent .
8 Little wonder there was ‘ intellectual disorder ’ — if that is the correct word for daily thought stymied by explicit threats of destruction ; ‘ a state of mind fundamentally disturbed ’ — if they are the mots justes for those who doubt whether they will be able to put their professional training into practice ; ‘ bordering on the neurotic ’ — if that is an accurate description for lives lived under the fear of total extinction in the mushroom cloud .
9 They are the Saints ( the Lamed-vov tsadihim , the 36 saints ) who perpetuate the principles of compassion and kindness which sustain life .
10 In fact , it does n't matter what the thought is , what predicate I ascribe to them , just that they are the object of some kind of thought .
11 That they are the victims and hostages
12 They are horribly expensive but to my mind they are the best .
13 Can certain individuals be directed in such a way that they stand out from the mass because they are the tellers of the story , the chief exponents in the drama or theme ?
14 They are the verbs which should initiate the style of movement needed to sustain a ballet .
15 At present they are the responsibility of thr brewery but a future leaseholder will have to look after them .
16 They are the quickest route to bankruptcy .
17 Both men are reporting what seem to them the facts of the case , and they are the more confident about doing so because no Englishman has arisen to rebut their arguments .
18 His attitude both to life and art , charming enough in him , when taken up by others as a general cultural ideal becomes something deadly , especially for the English , an intelligent but very lazy people , far too easily bored , and persuaded beyond argument that they are the Herrenvolk .
19 They are the expressions ‘ kit of tools ’ and ‘ job in hand ’ .
20 Warning that there was no single mechanism which would catapult Britain to economic strength , Mr Kinnock said : ‘ Research and development , transport and communications , science , education and training ; they are the priorities .
21 They are the productive base of our economy . ’
22 ‘ As far as we are concerned , if nurses are in conflict with their employer - and they are the least-able section of our society to fight — it is incumbent upon workers to take a stand to support nurses and other workers . ’
23 ‘ Most of us use the booths at one time or another , and they are the obvious place to go if you need a picture for your identity card . ’
24 In reality , of course , they are the result of a long chain of conscious decision making .
25 They are the product of a specific brief by land owners or developers , detailed ‘ design ’ by architects within that brief and approval by the local authority .
26 Given the conviction of Khmer Rouge members that they are the only people who can save Cambodia , few observers believe their commitment to multi-partyism would last for long .
27 They are the fault of the old-fashioned way in which it is run .
28 They are the guardians of a door of a house that belongs to me .
29 They are the ones who invited Mr Adams to address them just 500 yards from the Grand Hotel which some of us have cause to remember ; to address them less than two weeks after the time when , along the coast at Deal , 10 young musicians in the Royal Marines were foully murdered .
30 They are the first tests of legal reforms introduced two months ago to allow judges ' secrecy orders to be reviewed .
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