Example sentences of "they [verb] see " in BNC.

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1 They failed to see that the principle of subsidiarity as interpreted was inadequate to a modern society .
2 They failed to see that money came from success , not the other way round — Chelsea , for instance , had also paid large sums for players without creating a championship team — and that the vital factor was the genius of the manager in charge for getting the most out of his players , whatever they cost , and for buying the right man .
3 But because such men were materialists and therefore underestimated the power of spiritual and moral values ( despite the Soviet invention of the doctrine of ‘ dialectical materialism ’ ) , they failed to see that they were only perpetuating the problem of modernity in another form .
4 Mr Banham warned an Association of Metropolitan Authorities conference in London yesterday : ‘ There may well be half a million furious business people , either with severely disappointed expectations because they expected to see their rate bills cut by half , or facing a succession of real increases of 20 per cent in their annual rates bills .
5 Instead of the evil-looking robber they expected to see , the two ladies found only a pale , thin child , lying peacefully asleep .
6 It was already past midnight when they got to see Dustin , who was playing pool by himself , while a huge party for the cast was going on in another suite .
7 they got to see that .
8 They are most malicious when they prey on liars , murderers and thieves , for they hate to see injustice .
9 They asked to see a doctor and Zahira was taken to another part of the building where , she says , she was superficially examined by a doctor and a nurse .
10 When her evidence was over the jury sent a note to the judge in which they asked to see ‘ the second statement of Princess Tucker . ’
11 They asked to see some .
12 For example , a number of groups have described patients who can point to the location of briefly flashed stimuli , even though they deny seeing them .
13 So why did they want to see Louise for then ?
14 But explore all the options first , such as cost-cutting and restructuring borrowings , before calling in an insolvency practitioner : they tend to see everything in terms of insolvency legislation .
15 Because Bem and other gender schema theorists assume that rationality and cognitive unity characterize psychological subjects , they tend to see the break-up of gender schemata as hindered by dominant social relations , but still as fairly straightforward in itself .
16 But until lately very few people had managed to make themselves heard when they pointed out the dramatic effect of all previous philosophers having seen it as that of a man — that is , of course , not an exact reflection of what men are like , but an image of how they tend to see themselves when they contrast themselves with women .
17 Thirdly , they tend to see human behaviour as shaped by the system .
18 They tend to see with their ears and accept things that they are told are acceptable , ’ he says .
19 In consequence , they tend to see a simple one-to-one relation between attitudes , interests , and group organisation , and so they take the interest group world as a given that arises " naturally " in a way that calls for no complicated explanation .
20 They tend to see people as unthinking dupes who arc simply pushed and pulled around by the needs of capital .
21 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
22 They want to see financial pressure applied , to ensure South Africa can not roll over its debt or raise new capital .
23 There is a great consensus building up between the peoples of East and West as to the sort of Europe they want to see .
24 This is where the boxing writers ' grumble : they want to see you flatten your opponent , not display your moves .
25 Horses love to canter up hills : they want to see what is beyond .
26 So I said , well , I have my thing here in Salzburg ; if they want to see it they must make the effort to come here .
27 They want to know what is going on , and what the general wants them to do , and why , and when ; they want to see and decide in their own minds what sort of person he is .
28 If they want to see .
29 They want to see their own chaps , keen as mustard , potting Jerries ( or Tommies ) whenever the opportunity arises .
30 I think that is what people prefer and want to know about … they want to see that it is Cabinet government .
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