Example sentences of "had [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 Besides , Robyn had faith that , somehow or other , she would be kept on when her temporary appointment came to an end .
3 I always had faith that he could still beat anybody , anywhere at any time ’ .
4 Half a mile up the hill , spirits were also high in the home of Eddie Duckworth , that plump , much-loved , avuncular manager of Pitts and Harley , newly elected President of the Chamber of Commerce , who had faith that at last a government had been elected that would put a stop to inflation , high interest rates , rocketing domestic and industrial rates , shameful capitulation to the unions , centralized bureaucratic planning , and the consequent decay of the manufacturing industries : the writing is on the wall at the Town Hall , he told his guests , as their glasses were refilled with Oake and Nephews ' Beaujolais .
5 I had faith that he would remember where he belonged . ’
6 With a vicar 's wife and a canon 's daughter in the party she had faith that somehow all her wants would be taken care of .
7 As a former magistrate Cranog Jones said he had faith that the jury would believe he was innocent .
8 Her looks too : she had hair that could be called golden .
9 It was perhaps no wonder that his ‘ quiet , nice ’ wife had hair that had gone white by the time she was thirty .
10 Ten days ago we had confirmation that a company was willing to offer a 7 night holiday in Cyprus which means that are now hurriedly getting our act together .
11 For I have news of great moment to report , viz. that on Friday last by a night when the moon shone but weakly we had intelligence that our neighbours in this land were embarked upon a most fiendish and treacherous Enterprise , namely to do every man among us fatal harm while we were still sleeping in our beds .
12 He did n't expect to receive through the static created by the storm but he broadcast a warning and his position in the hope that the Embassy had equipment that would pick him up .
13 As long as the note holders had confidence that the issuing goldsmiths could redeem their gold pledges on demand , few notes were ever presented for redemption .
14 Although Far from the Madding Crowd ( 1967 ) , which seldom got beyond being a plodding , picturesque illustration of Thomas Hardy 's novel , failed to make an impact in the USA , Picker somehow had confidence that the cultured , softly-spoken , bald 42-year-old Englishman would be able to make a good job of the essentially New York story of Midnight Cowboy .
15 It 's just since I had Donna that things have been different for me .
16 At a press conference in Lahore yesterday , Zia 's son , Mr Ijaz ul-Haq accused the PPP of being involved in ‘ narco-terrorism ’ and he claimed that he had evidence that the Al Zulfiqar group had been involved in the assassination .
17 In the course of researching his clock to verify its provenance , Shulman had evidence that was at variance with Kozlenkov 's testimony .
18 The Commissioners , for example , visited the Bidston area of Birkenhead , which has a 48 per cent male unemployment rate : ‘ but within this [ area ] , there are parts of the Ford Estate … where we had evidence that 80 per cent were out of work ’ ( p. 199 ) .
19 Similarly , practices could appeal if they had evidence that the population characteristics had altered substantially since the last census .
20 Ingard shares were still quoted on the Stock Exchange , and we had evidence that they were more or less worthless .
21 You see , I thought I had evidence that you and Elise had had an affair , even though you would n't admit it .
22 The Archbishop of San Salvador , Mgr Arturo Rivera y Damas , claimed that he had evidence that members of the army 's 1st Infantry Battalion had been involved in the massacre .
23 The International Herald Tribune of April 28 reported that the US government had for more than two years had evidence that Iraq had diverted food purchased under a US$5,500 million aid programme and exchanged it for Soviet-made arms in Jordan , Turkey and the Soviet Union , including nuclear technology according to a confidential US document dated Oct. 13 , 1989 .
24 Because we had evidence that memories of the exercise tended to fade quickly , it was decided to exclude schools which had submitted reports at the very earliest stage ( autumn 1980 to summer 1981 ) , and schools which were not due to submit reports until the last stage of the first cycle ( autumn 1985 to early 1986 ) were also excluded because they could not be expected to have made much of a start on the process .
25 He said the government had evidence that APLA operated out of bases in the ‘ independent ’ homeland of Transkei .
26 the next then we moved from Archlin Lane to Founder Lane , where next Christmas I had Meccano that could screw with screws
27 Surely he presented no physical threat to anyone , but it was possible that he had knowledge that was threatening .
28 By s14 , the date of knowledge is the date on which that person first had knowledge that his injury was significant ; that his injury was attributable to the act or omission which is alleged to constitute negligence , nuisance or breach of duty ; the identity of the defendant ; and , if it is alleged that the act or omission was that of a person other than the defendant , the identity of that person and the additional facts supporting the bringing of an action against the defendant .
29 well I think that , that the , the sending out of the press release immediately was , was quite correct , because obviously people had ride that , sorry people may have read that and something therefore had to be said , my personal view was that really this article is you had , if you like had undone everything that we had been trying to do , erm and put us in a bad light and it maybe my Scottish background , but I do n't like people calling in to question my motives and the companies motives , erm and I felt that it went straight to what we were really standing for , given what I explained about my thoughts in nineteen eighty seven , it was hitting straight to the core of the whole proposition and everything that stood for , erm and that is what was the great concern and because it was n't just like a , a mild slap in the face it was more like a knife in the ribs , it was therefore required a lot more thinking about as to the reaction that we would then have to come up with .
30 The zoo curators at the conference had news that was almost as bleak .
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