Example sentences of "had [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 She thought she could in the end be legitimized , be more than just the girl who had married the first man who came along in order to get away from home : daughter of a mother who 'd shacked up with her own mother 's boyfriend at that own mother 's unconscious behest — and had thereby had her life negated forever .
2 In her first term at St Cecilia 's there 'd been a girl who 'd had the gift of levitation , a disturbed girl called Julie who had been able to float eight feet above the ground , whom Miss Scuse had eventually had to have removed .
3 I had rarely had reason to enter my father 's room prior to this occasion and I was newly struck by the smallness and starkness of it .
4 But I tell you Minnie , for all the independence , I had rather have my old job back and be in service with Mrs Browning .
5 ‘ I had rather have the certainties of middle-age , ma'am . ’
6 John Poole 's temper can not have been improved when he announced the news of Robespierre 's execution , reported in that day 's Western Flying Post , and prompted from Southey the Histrionic cry , ‘ I had rather have heard the death of my own father . ’
7 My motive is owing to no dislike I have for him but methinks it would reflect a little upon my Pamela if she had married a man for his estate when she had rather have had another .
8 Since Michael had opened a hostess club in the West End , he had literally had his pick of women to spend the night with .
9 I had literally had everything possible that a judge can give you .
10 She had hitherto had plenty of flirtations .
11 In addition , if women were to enter public life and achieve positions of power there they would constitute a personal challenge to the men who had hitherto had it their own way .
12 But while reasserting the old , he also broke new ground in the claim that he was rightful lord over all men in the area who had hitherto had no lord .
13 Although the committee accepts the DTp 's contention that individual pollution accidents had hitherto had little effect , it believes that the rise in incidents in the crowded North Sea and English Channel is a serious " cause for concern " .
14 If the three arrows had all had flights … if there 'd been no wind …
15 Nevertheless , they had all had voted Labour .
16 I could see at once that they had all had a skinful .
17 None of them mentioned Richard or Hubert Molland ; nor did they refer to the last time they had all had tea together .
18 Only a few of her friends had been active in the Resistance , but it was clear that neither they nor anyone else much wanted to talk about the choices they had all had to make .
19 At the end of the first teaching practice I asked the teacher tutors ( who had all had experience of the previous system ) to make any comments they cared to about the new set-up .
20 They had all had a normal haemoglobin concentration .
21 He had only had the single season at Wakefield when the approach came .
22 At the end of the third day their water was running short , as each man had only had two pints in his water bottle .
23 Sandison , who had only had three or four glasses of wine , began to feel light-headed .
24 I was cold and hungry — in eight hours I had only had three tangerines — and I throbbed from toes to groin .
25 Lorraine Allard had only had four days ' warning before leaving from Berlin :
26 Jean , at 21 , had only had one other boyfriend .
27 Meurdesoif , whose firm agreed to pay a £1,250 fine , claimed he had only had a few drinks with lunch on a cross-channel ferry .
28 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
29 ‘ By the time the squad returned from Norway I had only had two days training all pre-season .
30 The Swansea and Neath Society was founded in December 1822 but made no appeal through a public meeting until January 1826 ; the Manchester Society , although becoming active at the beginning of 1824 , issued no report to the public until March 1827 and had only had its first public meeting on 22 March 1826 .
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