Example sentences of "had [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As trappers , entire safety of mine depended on the young children & although not physically demanding , they had longest hrs & sat all day in darkness .
2 And had perhaps Grace Bird 's goddammit of irritation been directed at her and not at the ball of beige knitting wool which had just then rolled off the shelf of the dressing-table ?
3 Jack was feeling sick and miserable , he had sandfly fever and a bad cold .
4 With some 80 per cent of manual workers in the mine recruited from farming backgrounds , the company had literally greenfield labour to do its bidding .
5 It was very cold outside , and both had only night clothes on .
6 Where we may boast of our striving for perfection , Jesus had only humility .
7 Of those who were visited , 44 per cent had only relatives to see them , 11 per cent were visited just by friends or neighbours and 45 per cent by both relatives and friends ; the most frequent visitor was a relative for 78 per cent and a friend or neighbour for 22 per cent .
8 Metal , which became more prominent later in the sixteenth century , mainly attracted cottagers : Thomas Jeffereys , a wire drawer , had only 30s. in goods .
9 In Sussex William Earnley was the son of the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas ; in contrast to most of his colleagues , who had at least £40 a year with an average of £100 , he had only £26 produced by a medley of very small properties , in addition to which he leased Cakehan manor from the bishop of Chichester .
10 No ; she had only Ben , and she had struck him .
11 Even the best ‘ low fat ’ sausages had only 59% lean meat .
12 Seventy per cent had only income support .
13 Centre-forward Kieran Feehan was given a picture pass by Liam Smyth who had only Turtle to beat but unaccountably went wide .
14 Now that he had only hunters to school and exercise and Mrs Geary ( who loved the lads ) to feed him well , no question about his weight , life was kind and easier ; but he was the last to admit it and showed sympathy to nobody , least of all to Nicandra .
15 The Court of Appeal , having reviewed the nature of the flat and the number of beds within it , stated that it would be possible for the landlord to use the flat concurrently with the occupiers and therefore they had only licences .
16 In those early days , its isolation on the distant north-west coast seemed to make it unattainable by anyone who had only feet to get him there and whose opportunities were restricted by a busy working life south of the Border , although later I was to discover that a MacBrayne 's bus made the forty-six-mile journey to and from Lairg every weekday .
17 With the advantage of hindsight , we can take stock of the position at this point , but at the time the Colonel had only runners to keep him in touch with his headquarters and forward Troops , whose wirelesses had been knocked out .
18 This activity was quite widely popular , with the exception of the changes in trade union law which had only minority support .
19 This study has confirmed our previously reported prevalence of such DNA in sarcoid samples but had only 6% ‘ false positivity ’ compared with our lavage study , in which 32% of elderly control patients were positive for M tuberculosis DNA .
20 It was n't adultery , he Did The Right Thing by a girl who had only months to live , Hitler 's hounds baying at their heels …
21 Not that he had only supporters — for there were many who thought he was , and behaved like , a spoiled brat — but because Britain was thirsting for sporting heroes ( as it was to do again with Nigel Mansell a decade later ) and the British circuit should by rights have favoured his chances .
22 But Cuban investment in Cuba grew from $50m in 1899 to $1.5 billion in 1929 ; 62% of sugar production was in Cuban hands in 1958 , whereas in 1935 they had only 13% .
23 When he returned he said that he had only £15 but could get the balance ‘ in a few days ’ .
24 He added he had only table knives in his kitchen .
25 The poor were just as stupid as the rich ; he had only contempt for both of them .
26 But in the last twelve months the fury of the entire national had been aroused against him by an aged , exiled cleric for whom he had only contempt .
27 Research in one village of 200 households revealed one-third had disposable incomes of £30,000 a year or more but another had only £6,000 or less .
28 ‘ We had only tents for shelter and we tried to make concrete blocks .
29 She who could have managed twelve great sons , and trained a staff of servants with one hand , had only Wilson .
30 Donna had only seconds to appreciate its beauty ; she had other things on her mind .
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