Example sentences of "had [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We had nothing at all to live on ; but one day I received a sum of money that we managed to divide up so that it lasted for many weeks , just so much a day .
2 Most had nothing at all to say about it and those that did comment relied to a large extent on a discourse and terminology borrowed from the ‘ agenda setting nexus ’ of mainstream criticism .
3 Apart from the wad of Reichsmarks that Joyce had acquired at the bureau de change , they had nothing at all .
4 And when the families were no more , they had nothing at all to show for their efforts .
5 She had nothing at all to go on , I thought , except that phone call , and she naturally would n't admit to having listened to that .
6 By far the most intriguing announcement in Wales also carried a competitive element , even if it had nothing at all to do with slow bowlers .
7 Everything about him spelt self-assurance , the confidence of someone who had nothing at all to prove to the world .
8 A man like Luke had no need to force his attentions on unwilling women — and he had nothing at all in common with her ex-fiancé .
9 This smug man who had nothing at all to do with her life had helped to wipe out her father 's existence for her .
10 That someone who had nothing at all to do with her life should have had a hand in removing her father 's last trace in her life infuriated her .
11 And all I could think about was George , about how I had nothing at all left for George now .
12 She soothed herself with the thought that the small deception she was about to practise was not the only reason for her attack of nerves : her own college in London , housed in a nondescript modern block , had nothing at all in common with the medieval gateway in front of her .
13 In other words , by the 1770s and after Berton 's reforms , debate had nothing at all to do with audible stick signals , but everything to do with the presence of a conducteur , communicating visually .
14 I mean I had nothing at all to do with t' business except I went in partnership with me wife and that .
15 The truth is I had nothing at all in the bottle — it was empty because I 'd forgotten to get new supplies .
16 If you thought ram-raids had nothing at all in common with bungee jumping , you were wrong .
17 ‘ But even though they had nothing at the ports , if you offered one of them a bar of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes they would turn it down and tell you to send it to the Front . ’
18 First of all I never hear it any more on the continent I ca n't seem to hear the radio , you hear some , you know , put on the radio and you have a , Brussels already , he had nothing at all .
19 Is it only two weeks since that bleak morning when I had nothing for a future and everything seemed too late , when I dragged myself about the house , alone and miserable and weighed down by self-pity ?
20 They had nothing for it but to crawl back to Mr Scully and to pay Mike Channon 's cancellation fee ( £353 ) out of their own pockets .
21 He wanted me to handle all the money side and do the bills but some weeks I had nothing for food , nothing for bills , nothing for the children .
22 ‘ We 'd been told for years how generous they would be , but when we challenged them , they had nothing for us .
23 His character was as bankrupt as his purse ; he had nothing with which to meet his debt of obligation to John and Nora .
24 As a child in wartime London I must have unconsciously sought a hobby that had nothing of death in it — something that was all beauty .
25 The truck had nothing of consequence in it .
26 Her hair had been re-styled and had nothing of the incompetent dye job that had once been her most eyecatching feature .
27 He had nothing of the self-assurance the Greeks liked to attribute to wise Jewish men .
28 Crusaders had nothing of note to show in the first half apart from a drive lofted over the bar by Stephen Lynch from Burrows ' free kick in the second minute and a double save by Distillery keeper Steve Collins from Steven Livingstone in the 31st minute .
29 The dead had nothing to be frightened of any more , and there was nothing to fear from them .
30 A year ago , Norfolk Library 's local history department told me they had nothing about Edis — perhaps the most important woman photographer in East Anglia .
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