Example sentences of "had [be] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Passion had swept in then , and he had entered her , unable to help himself , clinging to her as she had earlier clung to him , and although he had been gentler than he had ever been with any other woman , she had cried out , and her face had twisted with pain , and Fergus had felt blood on his thighs .
2 They lay together in the same blue-white room , though this time their lovemaking had been gentler and more familiar , as warmth and exploration of each other 's bodies and hearts had succeeded the glorious frenzy of their first coupling .
3 History might have been different if Cleopatra 's nose had been longer or Napoleon had been taller .
4 As he mounted the dais to receive his award , Nathan Bryce had been taller than she expected , and startlingly handsome in a beautifully tailored suit .
5 Rachel always had been safer , Rachel 's adoration was guaranteed , secure and clear .
6 The week before last , when it had been colder , he had seen parties of hikers , a fisherman coming from the Hilder , cyclists on the Loomlade road , campers with tent and calor gas stove and blankets on their backs .
7 Eight ( 32 per cent ) stated there had been closer consultation with young people in care , five ( 20 per cent ) with foster-parents , four with residential workers , four with natural parents , and three with unspecified others .
8 Perhaps she had been closer to the truth than she had at first suspected with her taunts about Theo Quinn ; and , although she no longer wanted Ben , she felt that , if this were to prove the case , it would be a great waste of promising material .
9 If only they had been stricter with her .
10 The unity witnessed over the two days had been greater than he could ever have hoped for , and the remaining morning 's session of ‘ rounding up ’ would , he trusted , be rich in commitments on the part of participants concerning action each would be taking before the important international conference in Switzerland .
11 The first , that AZT may be ineffective in postponing the development of overt AIDS , would be more persuasive if the length of the follow-up reported in this preliminary study had been greater .
12 Chroniclers and poets in their embittered criticism of papal initiatives for peace were scarcely less vehement than the lords and commons in parliament , and when at last , in 1378 , an Italian pope was elected , an Englishman at Rome rejoiced because ‘ Previous popes and their cardinals had been greater enemies of the kingdom of England than the king of France himself . ’
13 But if the debt had been greater — ’
14 Tony 's interests had been wider at one time , but now his mind was full of plans for his marriage with Helen , and his new car .
15 Central government departments , however , had been slower to react .
16 French industrialization had been slower than German or Belgian .
17 Work on the Glenburrell Bridge had been slower than hoped for as there had been some discussion with the County Council as to ownership .
18 Garang 's faction had been slower to agree to participate than Akol 's supporters , and on May 27 the Chairman of Sudan 's Revolutionary Command Council ( RCC ) , Lt.-Gen.
19 Party workers claim that enthusiasm for him and his party is positively bubbling in Guisborough , but admitted that the campaign had been slower to get off the ground in other parts of Langbaurgh .
20 I would have murdered her if the knife had been sharper .
21 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
22 There should have been a lifespan of twenty years for H3 , but other priorities had been higher , and every four years since 1973 there had been a doctoring of the patient , a new lick of paint on the inside , an attempt to reinforce the roofing against damp , new wiring to carry the power of the computer that ran their lives .
23 It had been higher still , probably some three or four days earlier , for it had bitten a great red hole in the shelving bank , like a long wound in the smooth turf , and left the traces of its attack in half-dried puddles of silky clay and a litter of sodden leaves and bushes .
24 Osman noted that although state income in 1989 had been higher than expected — 214,000 million meticais as opposed to the 190,000 million meticais originally projected — spending had also been higher than budgeted , at 238,000 million meticais .
25 The January price rises [ see p. 38730-31 ] had been higher than expected and painful , but he described them as the logical conclusions of the policies of Soviet Prime Ministers Nikolai Ryzhkov and Valentin Pavlov .
26 Jilly Jonathan had been luckier , or less appallingly unlucky .
27 In fact she had been luckier than many .
28 The expansion of the public sector , as Harris points out , merely filled the gap left by the private sector and , what is more , ‘ there is no evidence that private sector output would have been substantially higher than it actually was if the output of the public sector had been lower . ’
29 Silver production had been lower than average in the first seven months of 1989 .
30 Educational qualifications for entry into the officer corps had been lower than for other comparable elements of the administration .
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